Payday 3 News: Server Fixes Coming & More Changes Confirmed

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New players literally popped up in the Twitch chat while he was making this point, saying that they liked it because it allowed them to get used to their mistakes, adapt, and build Mio. Is saying the middle ground right now they might do is remove the RNG fixes on higher difficulties so say on very hard Overkill when you restart things will change again but, they're looking into that down the line so that could be a hot point of conversation when that gets changed also the amount of skill points could be changed down the line but they don't really know if they need to because 15 points right now is enough for a good well-rounded build and you can get a Max of 21 if you level 100 so probably not necessary going back to progression they also said the infamy system is, probably not going to be added right now like a Prestige system because they want to focus on people getting the progression they've got soft cap of 100 hard cap of 150, and they have said they're going to probably expand that as the game goes on increasing those caps a bit like Destiny or something so maybe they won't need a Prestige system we'll see now here's a Hot Topic and this is one that I really want to put a point on to they have said they have plans to add more difficulties.

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Down, the line not difficult team when I was in Sweden we talked about this a little bit and they said they might add a difficulty down the line if it was felt necessary here, it sounded like they were open, to adding more than one and, they said they want to continue to make the game challenging as more people get confident with the game so adding new challenges that's fair and they also want to make sure that the difficulties are meaningful and Alma said in particular he realized Payday 2 had a lot of difficulties and to a lot of players they pick one and stick with it so they don't want that to happen again with three I mean as far as I'm concerned the way to avoid that is just making sure there aren't too many there are four difficulties, right now if we start going towards six or seven then we're really pushing it if it were me I'd, suggest adding one much more challenging difficulty, and down the line in a few months a year's time to, really make it more challenging but beyond that.

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Please tell me. They were also asked about compensation for server issues, and all Almir did was talk about things that were already coming. Might be he misread the question to be honest because it was kind of like will it be compensation he was like We'll prove ourselves with future updates down the line so I, don't know maybe they are going to compensate people for server issues I think there should be something there but as I've said already let's wait till the servers are fixed but he just reinforced there will be cool updates and DLC coming down the line that will prove they're committed to the game so fair enough also, jukebox will be evaluated for payday 3 as they've said before and also as time passes more ways to play with your Loadout will probably be expected so things like explosive weapons Etc and I'll skip a line here because that links to this one here they were asked if a minigun or flamethrower, would be added to the game and Mio chose to respond by saying new Overkill weapons are coming.

No, one mentioned Overkill weapons in the question; he just brought that up, which to me suggests that they're already considering both or one of those things as an Overkill weapon, and as far as I'm concerned, it seems like special weapons would fit the Overkill weapon style more in Payday 3, so seeing both of those get added would be really cool.

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I'd love to see a death machine-style Call of Duty-style power-up Overkill weapon for the minigun that could be cool, but I guess we'll say classic Heist will mention it once again, but again. I'll miss saying nothing confirmed. Far which, to me, suggests that it's more likely than the other things they said are not confirmed a couple more points to finish off on why there is no payday card drop post Heist Mio said that was intentional because they don't want the result the rewards to be RNG focused, they want you to choose what you earn and that's why that's not at the end of the game you, can still have that in a bit of extra cash bit of extra C Stacks like as long as it's not cosmetic things you could still have that desire and, still give players an extra bit for finishing the heist so I think there's definitely a middle ground you could achieve that also Looking at a random Heist selector a quick play for quality of life change as we know same with vote to kick possibly a skill line for silent Footsteps in Secure areas they were asked about that specifically as a stealth skill and Mio said maybe it could be added and bundled in with an already existing, skill he said in particular the CQC specialist line has a lot of skills where it offers two things so maybe they could slip that in as an add-on for a particular skill in another stealth tree maybe and, then finally the last thing they mentioned of importance was XP bonuses for stealth as a lot of you know have played Payday 2 if you beat a heist in stealth you gain an XP bonus that applies to the next Heist so someone said why is it often like that in paid A3 Mio.

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As said there, there is a stealth bonus to both your payout and the weapon XP or skill XP if you're still unlocking skills that you get at the end of a heist. The problem is that the game isn't telling you that you actually get a stealth bonus based on how much of the heist you beat in stealth, so if you beat half of it, you get half the boost; if you beat the whole heist, you get the full boost; so on and so forth.

That will apply to how much you're completing stealth and therefore give you more XP towards your weapon, more skill XP, and also an increased payout.



It easy,

It's time for Day 2 of my Payday 3 News Updates as Almir and Mio chatted at length about upcoming fixes to the game, as well as server downtime to improve the system.
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