Payday 3 News: Starbreeze Ceo Fired

No one deserves to be put out of work, especially in this climate that we're in right now, but in particular, you know, as I said, he's passed away now. God rest his soul, but this guy was literally the reason Star Brees came out of their reconstruction. He was the reason the company didn't go under.

He came back and took over as CEO. Having previously founded it before Bo was CEO and basically amended all of Bo's mistakes, he managed to bring the company back when it seemed like it wasn't going to make it, and it would really break my heart if Star Brees went under again after all the work M did right up until his passing to fix this company.

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So, if Tobias going is what's necessary to make sure Starb doesn't go under, then again, no personal hate to the guy. I do think he's lovely, but it's the right decision. Unfortunately, that's what they've got to do. They've got to make sure that Starost as a company can thrive, and if that means new leadership to execute a new vision, then so be it.

That's what you've got to do as a company, but nonetheless, I did think that despite my face suddenly lighting up massively. Because of the sun coming through my window, let's go back to my other camera side here, but as I've said, I just don't really see any other option here. It seems like the most logical decision to make, as unfortunate as it is, but ladies and gentlemen, that is all I've got to say about this update, so Starb has a new interim CEO.

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As I've said, it took a while for this transition to be announced. With Tobias taking over, there was a 5-month gap, approximately, so I don't know how long it'll take. This time could be more or less, but it's not going to be a couple of weeks. We'll be waiting a while. Jurgen could stick around as the full CEO; that could happen like Tobias did when he was interim.

Then he became the full CEO, so Jurgen Goldner could be our new CEO, Starb, but we will wait and see who knows what will happen here. We just have to stay tuned, keep an eye on things, and see what happens if anything does happen on the financial side with Star, which I think is worth talking about, as included in a article here like I've done in this one.

As people who've been around with the channel for a few years will know, I have done previous financial reports and covered Star as a business. It's just not been as necessary recently because Payday 3 has been the thing to talk about, and that really is tied to Star as a company. Payday 3 is their big mascot, their big cash count, and even though now they have other games going, they just put the tribe must survive out on Early Access, which is like a strategy game, and also with the publishing of Robo Quest, they're starting to build their portfolio.

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But they've got to make sure that their main cash cow is the reason they made all their investments. I mean, without that external investment, I don't know where Stars would be right now; maybe they'd be under. I honestly don't know the amount of money they took in cash injections to fund Pay A3.

That's the thing they have to fix, so it's going to be interesting to see how that vision is executed. They've got other things they want to work on, like project backx for the Dungeons and Dragons game and other games they're publishing and developing. But payday 3's really got to fix itself for the company to do well, and right now it's not doing well, so the most interesting thing in my opinion will be the next quarter report, the Q1 2024 report.

I'll keep an eye on that when it comes out and let you guys know if there's anything interesting to say there. We'll wait and see, guys. It might be on Friday for the next Dev blog for payday 3, but I'll have something else in between if I can; if not, I'm cooking.

Today it was announced that Starbreeze has a new interim CEO as of today, leaving Tobias Sjogren out of office. In this video, let's discuss the news and what it means for the future of Starbreeze Entertainment.
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