Payday 3 News: Update 2 Patch Notes Revealed. And They're Great

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It is on screen for you to read. If you haven't caught up with previous articles of mine, the only things I will mention are the things that Liz's head is blocking. On top of that they also talk about weapon inspecting, just one of these forms of animations also already talked about that but then here's the big thing the challenge system this is something we didn't have much information on until now because challenges and progression are getting some very notable changes in this update, now recommended challenges the system that is going to work as such on the main menu of payday 3 you'll get three recommended challenges based on what you've done so far basically suggest, these are things you may want to do next but also once you go in Heist selection you'll get given three unique challenges for each of the heists, so if you want more Heist specific challenges just go into Heist selection screen hover over the heist and it'll throw three up that you can do on this Heist that will be ones that are maybe easier to complete or Ones based on your play style so you will get versatility here if you want to see some general ones that's the main menu more specific ones High selection screen very good for that.

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But for infamy points here is the kicker infamy points are now going to be awarded for heist completion, but for three different things you will get them for just completing a heist you will get extra points for completing the heist without raising the alarm so in stealth so you know the challenges weren't very good at explaining this it's not about the Escape van leaving it's as soon as the alarm goes off that's the breaking point so completing it without the alarm going off gets you more points, and also cting the heist by securing all bags will get you more infy points the amount of points is not disclosed but I'm getting the vibe that hopefully it'll be based on the time the heist takes and also.

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Los is available, but we will see when that comes out in the notes here. The amount of infiny points you get for each of these three factors will depend on which heist you're playing and on which difficulty that literally answers my question. Fantastic! There you go, so I'm guessing it will be based on time, so maybe the heists that are quicker to complete will give you fewer points, and the ones longer to complete will give you more.

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Whatever it may be, these PS are added up together and aren't mutually exclusive, which means that if you complete a heist without raising the alarm, you'll get points for completion. And for finishing in stealth you'll get them combined, so it won't be we're going to give you points based on one of these things if you do all three of these things do the heist in stealth all bags you'll get the maximum payout possible, so obviously Stell can take longer so it will hopefully balance with loud so completing it by securing all bags in loud maybe quicker than doing it in stealth and so the infiny points would balance out basically you get extra points because it takes you longer to do stealth, but this is exactly what I wanted them to do for infiny points I didn't want it to just be complete highest TOS 10 points, this is an in-depth system, that I'm hoping will work just as good in execution as it's sounding on paper there's also going to be a Prestige system this is all in this update this is re they really have cocked I'm honestly.

Again, the cynic in me is wishing some of this stuff was here at launch, but whatever we're getting now. Renown levels are basically the new version of prestige, the new infamy system, so once you hit Level 150, every 2, 000 infinite points you get will give you one Renown level; at base, there are 1, 188.

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But I think the idea here is probably a way to let you keep progressing your level because they did say they were going to increase the level cap at some point, so if they, for instance, increase it to 160 for your infamy, you'll still probably reserve your renown. Points that won't change, you'll work back up to level 160, then carry on with your renown, so there's hopefully going to be constant progression no matter what level you are, which is exactly what I hope the game would have, so I'm very, very happy to see that moving on from there.

They also noted some other changes that are worth mentioning. You can see it's the last likes; I can't flick along now. They noted a Lobby chat is coming, but only to PC for now, that being because it's harder to do on console, and in my in honestly in the defense for this one as someone who plays on console.

I never use chat on the console anyway; unless you have a keyboard and mouse plugged in, you have to use an Xbox controller to fiddle along and press each key. You are not going to do that, so in this one instance, I will forgive them for saying we put it on the PC first because it's easier. Fair enough, just don't let this be pressure for the future, because then I will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

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They've also said they rebalance some skills; I didn't go into much detail there, but I'm sure we'll see when the full patch notes come out, you'll be able to mute the heist brief voice, so if you don't want to hear Shade saying. Let's get you back in the saddle anymore, you can mute that, and finally, they say there's a 300%.

Health boost for AI crew now the mathematics student in me basically wants to clarify that provided they have worded this as they' meant to, that's four times the health. I know it says 300%, but if it's a 100% boost, that means you've doubled it. 200% boost means you've tripled it. 300% boost means you've quadrupled it.

If it was 300%, compared to the original, it was triple, so I think from the way they're wording it, they have quadrupled. The health of AI teammates, which is very good, was a big problem they had, so I'm very glad to see that's been done, but that's the overall summary of the content in the next week's fingers crossed update.

Additional stream information

Additional stream information

So now, flashbang again, I'm going to go back and recap some very important notes quickly and get this article out as soon as possible.

So here's some things to recap from the previous three streams that I didn't do articles on, so they've also stressed that the dev updates they release now will be roughly a month before the update drops; they want to make sure there's no longer than a month's wait in between them very good Cadence for updates, which means we'll hopefully see one maybe next month.

I don't know if we'll find out Legacy Heist does not flashback, as I've talked about already, but the Legacy Heist lock will set up the job, and Shade will be the one we established yesterday, but it's important to reinforce it. The second half of the bug fixing patch that was split, and it was all confusing as to how it was working, is within this update.

At last, we have a full insight into the contents of Payday 3's second update.
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