Payday 3 News: Update 2 Patch Notes Revealed. And They're Great


That's why there's been 200+ bug fixes. This is the last big push of bug fixes in this update to fix a lot of the launch problems. Weapon inspection you can get by using the communication wheel so the thing where you get them to swear that kind of thing you'll see weapon inspection in there cook off is loud only turbid station stealth only I think that speaks for itself but it's important to stress, they have mentioned offline mode is still on the table and there are some similarities here between that streaming this one because Andreas clarified in today's stream he stresses that on the table is n a no it either means it's being planned or is into consideration and they will tell us if the no becomes definitive, so I'm trusting them on that to keep that word because we still need an offline mode I'm desperate for it it's got to happen at some point or another on top of that it said that joy and lock will not be in cut scenes for the upcoming Legacy heists or anyone basically because it won't be these Andreas confirmed they won't so lock and joy could pop up because they're talking about their relationship, together could pop up in future cut scenes if in ties into the current story but for legacy you won't get any Cuts scenes there are roughly 20 new animations in the patch as I talked about yoim who is one of the lead animators in Payday 3 teases that more will come after this but they stay secret for now animations on throwing bags into Vans and helicopters is something he mentioned though is not currently working, they're trying to get it to fix but it's one of the harder things to code, they've said there will be no animations for things like safe cracking or lockpicking mini gamess because it would be distracting to see the actual animation in the background of you doing the mini game they think.

I get it. I wouldn't have minded seeing it still, but fair enough, but they did say that there will be an animation for lockpicking handcuffs, so if you're getting a teammate out of their cuffs, you'll see an animation for that. I didn't mean to clap there, but whatever you'll see animation for, basically because you don't have a mini game and you're just unpicking the cuffs, there will be animations for cooking methods, but not necessarily releases.

I don't know what the methods are. Why is my English not working today? You are cooking the meals. But yeah, the animations are probably not in this update because they started working on that once the update was done, like actually adding cook-off as a heist, so they'll come, but not necessarily in this next update.

They then also interestingly talked about why the stuff like animations was not in the game at launch, and they gave an explanation about it being time and money and the animations not being super important, so it was kind of killing off the things that they wanted to do but didn't have time for while they were focusing on the main game.

I understand, but I still think it might have benefited Payday 3 to wait a few months, add these things in, and have a better experience at launch. So I see both sides of the coin's legs in Pay A3. If you like looking at your legs, they may do it at some point, like they did in Overkill: The Walking Dead, so keep asking if you want to be able to look down and see your legs.

Seeing animation to third person would need to be done all over again in this harder to code it's more complex they talked about, so that is not currently a priority but if people ask, that might happen, generic weapon inspects for now are being applied so basically the way you inspect a gun will be very similar between any gun in the game but again much like adding new animations down the line they're hopefully going to make things more unique for weapon classes over time and on top of that then hopefully go gun specific so right now I'll be a very broad here's my gun look at this o cool, after that it may vary and be more detailed for different classes Dev update 2 is coming soon they've said so hopefully it'll be coming shortly after update 2, and they've also finally said the different shaped bags will be coming in the future but not necessarily, painting tubes like Payday 2, so we'll see what happens there all right now let's move on to the notes from today's stream to follow up the presentation.

So first off, they note that the new maps, these legacy ones, are reimaginations, not remakes, as we've said in the PowerPoint. Things have been changed to fit payday 3, but let's talk about the influence Loop value of a 19-bag cap for Cookoff. The 19-bag cap is to stop the economy from getting screwed.

That's my wording, not theirs, but basically they don't want the economy to be too tilted by having a high you can get infinite bags, and honestly. I respect them for that because the economy was a little bit too screwed up in Payday 2; it was too quick to have too much money and then have nothing to spend it on, so whether people like it or not.

I do think they are right for that, but they do know that the level is tough on Overkill. You can get 19 bags but an endless assault will start after about 10 bags, and if you do go for the 19 bags you'll hopefully complete the heist in about an hour and in my opinion you shouldn't spend longer than an hour on Heist anyway I think that would be a bit too long I've done it before for off it's a dra I personally so I back it but influence loot value is actually a new thing for cook off it says that when you have a batch ready and fully cooked you can let it cook for longer and basically make the meth more pure and increase its value, but if you leave it too long it'll get burnt and the value will drop to below what it was when it was finished so you kind of have like a normal loot value A Higher One if you let it cook for longer and then a minimum one if you leave it cook to cook for too long, very interesting I don't know how forgiving that's going to be how much time you get but we'll see when we get the actual update very soon.

As I talked about already, the mask is 10 C Stacks, and the comat preset is 25. The animations don't cover everything, yet more things are being added later. I already explained how the recommended challenge system works as well as the Renown levels, and they talked about console Lobby chat. I've already mentioned that I don't really need to go over a lot of this because I tried to embed it into the presentation.

And that's why they didn't start with this, which sounds to me as though when they were having the conversation about what Heist to bring back first. I bet Shadow Raid was high up there. They said that if they go down that road, they also want to make sure they have more meat on the bones in the heist, which obviously feels more justified within payday 3, and they felt that was going to be harder to accomplish than with murky stations, so they played it safe for the First Legacy stealth heist, and I respect them for that.

I think personally they should do the First World Bank next, but that's just me. I keep saying that Lexy Heist won't have story cinematics, as I mentioned, because they don't have cohesion to the main plots; there's no point in them existing. Tv/ rive, where hopefully we'll be playing Payday 3's new update very soon, but apart from that, I'll wrap it up here.

Take it

At last, we have a full insight into the contents of Payday 3's second update.
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