Payday 3 News: Update 3's Patch Notes Bring Some Great Changes


The FSA 12 shotgun is a shotgun with a magazine that's the unique standout here; it's also full auto; and the F22. Marksman rifle has been quoted as a peashooter, by developer Mi in the Stream he said that it's got a low stopping power and low recoil so it's about hitting consistent shots to get the kills rather than firing a high powerered shot and then having to re aim to hit the enemy again or hit a different enemy so, it's a different style of play with the markson rifles so fair enough but here's an overview of the gun so the W 45 SMG and it's available mod you can see some of the mods you can get on here I really don't need to read these through I'm sure you can pause and read them if you want to I'm not going to waste people's time here's your available mods for the FSA, 12 full auto shotgun with its magazine which does have some mag attachments I can mention there and then the f ik22. Tlr Marksman rifle also has that range of attachments, also included within the weapon pack itself a two Cosmetics the bsod sticker which I thought for a hot minute was a techy version of death sentence one down it's blue screen of death I'm just stupid so you can see that sticker there and then also a whistleblower charm which is this USB stick so you've got both of those included in the weapon packs of their DLC moving on then we have the syntax error tailor pack which for the summary is four suits four masks and four pairs of gloves, here it's noted that not there no level locks to the content but you still have to buy with cash like any other DLC item but none of the items to their knowledge have color variants.

Syntax error tailor pack dlc

Syntax error tailor pack dlc

It's not a shocker, as I've said here, considering how the Taylor items work in game, but that is also something I want to say that I don't like about Payday's cosmetics in the minute. I hope it changes down the line with payday 3. I noted this at launch, but I really did not like that the launch outfits were basically four or five suits, and you unlocked colors as you went along.

payday 2

But the colors are all separate items. I think it would have been much better to have something like Payday 2 as a base item. You go into it and change the color inside. That was much better; it was far less complicated. I consider in the main menu of Payday 2 is this really crammed up little 1 by two table or 2 by whatever table I should say sorry where it's two squares per Row, the more things you're going to get the harder it's going to be to scroll through and pick out what you want you need to expand that table and make it easier to see things or compact some color variations cuz color variations won't made tailor packs good for me you know there were some suits that would come out the colors wouldn't be nice but the Alternatives will look good but I do like the suits so I will defend it in that regard, so you've got four different combinations here of suit masks and gloves Bas test mask digital op suit pulse check gloves and not going to read all these again I don't need to do like this combination.

Here's the nerd mask that everyone loves, the Point desk texter, which is probably the best thing in the pack if we're being completely real. We've then got this combination, which definitely has my favorite suit; Mr. It really likes that one, and then the last combination here, which I think is meant to be the Commodore 64 by the way that the mask is based on and not a Polaroid, so I wasn't miles away, but I wasn't quite there either.

And then, after that, there are some more details about free things.

Dlc challenges

Dlc challenges

The last thing to mention in regards to the update itself, the DLC, is that there will be new challenges added to complement the heist and the weapon pack of this DLC. But you can do the heist challenges without owning The Heist.

If you join a friend for free, you will also get the heist progression challenges completed as well, so that's really good. Like that, they've done that.

Free masks

So now we move on to the free content. So we have three free masks here. You can see these are according to Moo level locked but very low level, so you don't need to worry about that too much.

Free scrambler skill line

New armour repair kits!

New armour repair kits!

payday 2 console

The Scrambler skill line there's not really much to say about that we've already talked about it red through it but note that picking up ECM Jammers again is allowed, with the skill line provided you haven't triggered them there's a skill to pick up equipment that you've put down if you haven't used it basically you can pick up ECM jammas again if you haven't yet triggered them you put them down but not use them but the big thing, is armor repair kits in this update so much like first aid kits the smaller equivalent version of the medic bag, the armor repair kits will repair damaged armor plate so a partially filled armor chunk they won't give you a full armor plate so it's important that you note that it doesn't give you just a full armor plates worth it notes that in the game now when you trade hostages in between assaults, it will alternate between getting first aid kits and armor repair kits and it's globally basically meaning, if you are the only person trading hostages, it will alternate each hostage, between first a kit for trading armor repair kit for trading.

If you trade a hostage and get a first aid kit and someone else trades the next one, the pattern will continue; they'll get an armor repair kit. If you then trade the next one, you get a first-aid kit. It doesn't matter who's trading; it will constantly alternate between the two. As a thing to note, on top of that, if you have the skills to get two or three of the deployables per trade.

payday console

I do hope that at some point in the update they change it so you can see all of them next to each other, for right now if you trade a civvy for a first kit and you get two, you don't see the second one, so you've claimed the first one, which is a bit silly. You should see them next to each other; just a note I want to put in there, but you will still get two to three of that specific item when you trade, so if you're up to the first kit in the rotation, you'll drop two, three first-aid kits if your skills allow, or two, three armor repair kits.

It's important to note that they will be added to levels in the game at a later date, like first-aid kits, but armor repair kits just loosely on the map are not present right now. But killing dozers will now permanently drop armor repair kits, as opposed to first-aid kits important to note. They will also note that if you pick it up and don't have anything to repair, you won't gain anything.

I don't know if that means you can still pick it up and have no effect. I would have thought it would have said on screen that this will not give you anything, and it'll be grayed out because first aid kits normally do that when you have full health, which is also very interesting. Overkill has now been made to be more challenging.

payday news

They have noted that they thought Overkill would be harder for players, but they wanted to try and make it a little bit more challenging, so all specials will now deal more health-specific damage on Overkill. So the worst example I can think of there is the n when they fire a gas grenade that will damage you quicker with your health, and presumably also cloakers that are beating you down or tasers that are electrocuting, you will wear your health down faster, so less time for people to come and save you.

There will now also be three specials present in every heist, not two at most in Overkill. It won't be the same special, though it'll be two or three or three at most unique specials, so instead of it being cloer and AD Doza present, it could be cloer Doza and na now, so they mix it up a little bit separate to Overkill on hard, very hard, and Overkill. The cloer will do more damage, so they will basically take less time to get you down to zero health when they've taken you down.

Additional information/future updates

Additional information/future updates

Now we move on to later updates or other information. You know how I do these by now if you've seen any of my previous PDF reading articles, but we're going to speedrun it nonetheless.

Update 3 comes to Payday 3 next week, and we've got an overview of the patch notes to break down and discuss - so let's do it! CHAPTERS.
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