Payday 3 News: Update 3's Patch Notes Bring Some Great Changes

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So no Christmas update this year not really a shocker considering the last few months they've had some skill adjustments but not Earths are in Nerfs sorry don't know what Earths are no Nerfs specifically are in this update just some values have been tweeted they haven't said what, more skill changes will come down the line to give you more ways to get armor and they have noted the one skill will be that if you have no armor and you pick up an armor repair kit you will get one full plate but only when you have no armor so once you've got an armor place you can't do it again and keep stacking it so important to note that no new skill points for now but they will probably evaluate it when they closer to the first year being over, because they've suggested more skill lines are still coming in the first year of content, and they want to then evaluate how many skill points you need once more of them have come out.

Fair enough, I do hope they add some sooner rather than later, though there are no new Overkill weapons. In this update, someone also suggested Min Guns near the end of the article, and Mio suggested that if you get Min Guns, the cops should get them too. Interesting statement please don't give us many gun dozers.

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No payout changes are coming in this heist. Someone said about you know if overkill's harder you think they're not the case they just think Overkill is too easy right now for the rewards you get so they want to make it harder, more interaction animations are coming not sure if they're in this update or later but they are coming, they also said they need to study the new IP payout changes before they see if they need to adjust them so if you think they're not high enough or too high whatever it may be, they're going to wait and see how people progress over the next few weeks because the update's not long come out to judge whether it's worth actually tweaking those values.

They've also said that they know bad quantities aren't currently accurately reflecting rewards in some places. Basically, what that means is that, for example, if you complete dirty ice twice with the minimum bags, it gives you more infy points per minute than completing a full single dirty ice with the max bag loot.

They're aware that some bag loots aren't really giving you the rewards they should, and they're trying to tweet that, and hopefully we'll get more news on that down the line. It needs to be, so it really needs to be in the next one soon, because it's just getting a bit silly, in my opinion. Lou and stealth matchmaking filters are also being worked on, and quick play will still come back eventually because it was in beta but isn't in the full game.

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Do that, as your bodies are not throwable and need to be looked into. This was an intriguing thing because M was talking about how people were saying they wanted body bags so that they could be thrown like normal loot bags, and he was saying that if you add body bags, it might make the game too easy.


I would counter, you don't need body bags to me that's not the problem with bodies the problem is that when you drop them they drop on top of you like it's very hard to hide them and I think you know they've said the idea is bodies are meant to be harder to move that's the point they're a challenge, but literally just a bit of forward physics as you drop a body would be greatly appreciated if you look down at the ground you drop them straight down if you look outwards you push them a little bit because the way they land flat and spread, can mean in certain areas it's harder to hide the bodies efficiently and I think that's my main problem with it right now just add a bit of forward throw physics to the bodies if you can depending on how hard it is to do and that's all you need don't need body bags I don't think so personally also no update on offline mode still as I was saying it's still on the table, at this point.

Is it i don't know weapon buffs on Nurse will not be considered for the next will be considered sorry for the next update after this one because they want to see which guns are better or worse based on once the DLC guns have been released, so they want to see how the stats compare crew AI, commands, and customization.

It is not currently planned to have any changes or improvements, but if you tell them that you want them in the feature-up vote system on their site, then you can basically make it a bit clearer that you want it sooner rather than later. Thank you see money on screen when you secure. This was another question, so Bagal Loot secured value.

They have said they're investigating a way to show it, but the problem is that bagal loot apparently now in Payday 3 is also influenced by other factors, such as did you secure the bag in stealth? They're basically saying there's other elements to just the difficulty you play on, and so it's not a simple display number in the way it was in Payday 2.

My suggestion would be that whatever the filters are, whatever it is that impacts them, surely if you secure the bag in St, the value of that bag at that time is then confirmed, and then later on, if you get one in loud that has a different value, whatever. I still think the best way to do it would be like GTA 5's heist where you have a take counter in the in the corner and as you secure more things the take counter goes up you can then see in real time where the securing a bag in stealth is giving you more money whether it's giving you less if it's in lab but you're still seeing your money build up for me that gives you such a big serotonin, boost especially in the GTA Heist, it was so cool seeing the money shoot up and everything you were picking up adding to the bag value, and if people don't care to on and off you know it doesn't have to be on the screen but something like that I think would be a good middle ground to just bag appear on screen.

It's a simpler thing and it makes it a bit easier and you won't constantly hear that noise of Dum every time a bag was secured so that would be my suggestion finally last couple of things you still can't upgrade to silver or gold on PC or PS5, it's only on Xbox, which, really I mean it's just shooting themselves in the foot for the first DLC now because I would have hoped by this point they' have changed that feature or got it to work on other platforms but if you own the base game of payday 3 on PC or PS5 there's no direct silver gold upgrades, now so when the DLC comes out either you buy the silver or gold Edition all over again, or you have to just buy the dlc's individually, not the most userfriendly system, and I hope that gets fixed very soon.

Mio about the Min Guns already mentioned the last thing was in The Heist, a way to buy Heist-specific favors either in the lobby or main menu, whatever it may be, so things specific to each Heist Golden Shark elevator access that kind of thing they are looking into how favors will be acquired. There's nothing planned that they can share currently, though that's all they've said.

Update 3 comes to Payday 3 next week, and we've got an overview of the patch notes to break down and discuss - so let's do it! CHAPTERS.
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