Payday 3 On The Minimum And Recommended Gpu Requirements

Intro, requirements & test systems

Intro, requirements & test systems

Beast. I got it right here. This is the Asus Rocks Tricks version of the card. Yeah, it was a complete beast of a card when it came out, and it's surprising to see it in a game from 2023. In the requirements section, you know, because they're all super broken, anyways.

Gtx 1650

Let's start with the GTX 1650.

I'm going to install it in the system; it's going to be the same PC for both the GPU and the Ryzen 7 5800x3D. 32 gigabytes of RAM and the game is going to be installed on an SSD let's get into it shall we let's quickly go through the specs here in the desktop we got the 1650 with the latest NVIDIA drivers installed at the time of recording this article of course I'm not overclocking it manually you can see all of its specs right here in Tech Powerup's GPU Z again it's the gddr5, version of the card and over on the left you can see the CPU as well as the ram let's go over the settings now I'm playing at 1080p using adfov performance anti-aliasing, upscaling is set to Native so I guess it's not being utilized You know there's quality, balanced performance.

Gtx 1650 gameplay (1080p low)

Gtx 1650 gameplay (1080p low)

Ultra performance It starts looking really bad like this, so I'm going to set it to Native again, and the low settings are actually set to the minimum at the moment, okay? It's getting less than 60 FPS. Holy crap, okay? All right, my boys are inside already. Jesus, what is that stuttering? The hell.

I've actually already played the tutorial part, and I played in the cyber-funkish-looking map with a lot of neon lights and stuff, and I was getting like 60+ FPS most of the time, especially in the tutorial, which was 100+ FPS, but inside of the neon map with the Disco and stuff, it was pretty good.

Over in this map, it is so damn intensive—what the heck that's—kind of unplayable with all of that stuttering. I guess the stuttering is happening probably because the vram is maxed out in this map; it wasn't maxed out in the previous one. Well, I'm glad I actually joined this server right here in this particular map because it apparently is so intensive.


Alright, look at these 40s, and I mean, the graphics don't look anything special, do they? Hello there! What the heck are the graphics as well as the NPCs like? it, There is a lot to be desired. This is something that I would expect to come out of something like a GT 1030. This kind of performance in graphics doesn't look too different compared to, like, Payday 2; there we go.

I can't really destroy the computer there, okay? is so annoying. I'm really curious to see if the stuttering will be gone with the GTX 1080 with 8 gigabytes of RAM or if it's just the game itself loading the shaders as we progress into the game because right now it's a little bit smoother than when we started for sure.

Ah, never mind how; is this acceptable? this kind of graphics with this kind of performance I mean, yes, it's a GTX 1650, but this GPU plays Red Dead Redemption 2 absolutely fine. You know, it looks way better than this, and it's an open world. There's a ton of stuff for you to grab, guys. My, that's a rig.


Okay, you know what? I'm going to stop it there. Is it possible that it uses so much wax with these kinds of textures? I have no idea, apparently; it's not really that well optimized anyway for anti-aliasing. I'm going to turn it off because it's actually a little bit less intensive when it's turned off compared to performance, and now the vram actually went down.

Look at that; it's at 3.3 gigabytes or so, and it's not as stuttery. At least so far, it hasn't really gotten a stutter, but is it really because of the anti-aliasing? is pretty interesting. Let me just turn it on again for performance. Take a look at the vram user, you guys. All right, vram is still the same, so it doesn't really do much.

Maybe I just got used to the softness. Of the new releases, you know, with built-in Force TAA. Okay, hello there. What the hell is this? Who are you? Is it Batman or something like a hero? Yeah, 40-ish frames per second feels terrible once again. It's not really what you want, but I guess it's playable with these FPS.

If it didn't stutter at all, I'd be almost fine with it; basically, nobody. It's splinter Cell It's a splinter cell, what? The heck, okay, so now I got it. It's not a vigilante guy; it's just a very special agent, all right. 51 FPS averaged 38 one percent lows in the first part; those one percent lows were absolutely awful, but then it smoothed out. I wish to see an update with like pre-loading of shaders and stuff like that like some other games do so they don't stutter whenever you get into the matches because I would be pretty mad if I was actually trying to play the game with my friends and stuff and then for the first five minutes of the match it would stutter like crazy.

Gtx 1650 (1080p low / quality)

Gtx 1650 (1080p low / quality)

Alright, so apparently to achieve 60+ FPS, if that's even possible, we need to play around with upscaling; the low settings aren't really going to be enough. I'm going to set it to quality; it gave us like 20 more FPS over here in this menu. Let's try this out now. I mean, couldn't they implement FSR, XCS, or something?

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This is really weird; there's a little noise and effects on moving things like cars around the cars; look at the wheels of the cars as well. Yeah, that looks bad. Wait a second, can I actually?

Gtx 1650 (1080p low / balanced)

This is what we're going to go ahead and try to use, like balanced; that's so shimmery right there, damn it, and it doesn't improve the FPS by much.

We got, like, five or maybe 10 more FPS, but still not enough to get 60. Seriously. I believe that with FSR, for example, it would actually be capable of achieving 60 FPS at least outside with quality FSR compared to native resolution, unless the native resolution is doing some funny stuff. Hey, boom boy, okay, no, just disregard what I did there.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Boy, I don't want to screw this up for my teammates. You know, inside of here, at least we can get 60 frames per second, and now that we've played a match previously, it actually smoothed out the frame times. You know, it is not stuttering at all at the moment. A QR code is needed.

All right, I guess we're just going to steal things. I think if you have something weaker than a GTX 1650, definitely avoid this and go play the second installment of this game. Wait a second. It's okay; I didn't ruin anything. 27 seconds—that's perfect, actually.

Gtx 1650 (1080p low / performance)

Gtx 1650 (1080p low / performance)

With a lower upscaling value, you might be at a big disadvantage here. I'm going to set it to performance. It gets harder and harder to see the numbers, you know, okay, so with the upscaling set to Performance, it is slightly smoother once again, slightly uglier again, as well.

I mean, ah, why at this point? I would expect like double the performance of what we started with, at the very least, you know. Okay, well.

PD3 running on the minimum and recommended GRAPHICS CARD specifications requirements of the game.
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