Payday 3 On The Steam Deck


So today we're playing Payday 3 on the steam deck, and to start it off, we're playing the game at 00p at the lowest settings, and here we go with that. Okay, so for this, I'm hoping for 40 FPS at the low settings. I mean, ideally, 60 would be amazing, but I don't think we can get 60 all right, 30 FPS.

Guys, the first game will be quite stuttery, but that should go away once we get into our second game, so I will play two games at the lowest settings just to see how it runs. The first one again will be very SL-powered, but the second one should be a lot smoother. So far, we're sitting in the mid-20s SL low 30s, far more dup-intensive than it is CPU-intensive in most cases.

I'm just going to follow him. You know, yeah, don't worry about him. All right, I want to go upstairs. I think some good stuff is up. There's 40 FPS indoors, okay? It's decent i guess it could be better, but nope, me That was so laggy, but I got the red card. That's a green card. It looks pretty red to me.

Sorry, teammate i messed you up, buddy. Maybe with the 30 FP cap, this can be playable, but as it is right now, first game on, it's pretty awful. Look at that 14 FP. Yes, I can't feel the aim assist if you have. Any 22 FP while shooting? Yeah, I don't know. Maybe, with the steam deck, just play Payday 2 and sit down.

steam deck

The aiming is kind of hard. Who are you? Okay, AI, I was just chilling in the corner with the hostage. Get down who are you? You know what the cops are doing? Okay, there's ammo here. Okay, so yeah, this game is very heavily GPU-bound, so I think with the FSR, this might be a playable 40 FPS at least in the beta anyway.

Okay, sticking to the low settings but playing at 800 by 500 using a first-to-upscale, let's see if we can get 40 FPS stable right here. We go out so close. These graphics are kind of awful at this point. I mean, they weren't great before, but now it's just even worse. The sluttering is still happening.

Unfortunately, it's not fully smooth, so I think in a little bit, I'm going to use a 30 FPS cap. What is happening? What's helping me out, guys? Yo, great damn, it's a head shot. Let's play for a little bit. This is at 30 to 40 FPS, and then I'll cap it to 30 and see how much smoother the game becomes, because so far it's not great.

steam deck 800p

To be honest, it's still very stuttery, and the FPS is very consistent. It's better than before, obviously, but I mean, not by a lot. Let's use a 30 FPS cap. The aiming is so bad now that it's so delayed that I think I'll get used to it over time, but you're coming from the 40s to just 30 FPS straight up.

It feels far too laggy, to be honest. The input delay is crazy. Kill this guy, man. I can't i can't aim. It's too laggy. Someone killed him. Please look at that. No sluttering at all at this point. Never okay i spoke too soon. It's much better, though it's far more consistent and far more playable as well.

Don't snipe me. Please shoot the glass. What happens yeah, it's fine. The aiming absolutely stinks at 30 FPS; it feels awful, so yeah, I think a lock of 30 is the way to go. Unfortunately, I wish we could do 40, but 40 is just not going to happen, so using the FPS cap in the actual game settings instead of the Steam menu feels much better.

steam deck 800p benchmark

Better far, SM. To be honest, there they are; you can't even see them; they're just the cops ghosting when they are running God. The game is so low.

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