Payday 3 Overview. Let's See What This Game Offers



I think we'll roll medic okay now let's look at so we went through that let's I see how it works so you're researching are you researching these I'm not sure how it works call me ignorant for that okay let's look at the weapons you can get so these are the weapons that you're going to unlock and then I think some of these we can buy yeah so no these are skins, ah okay so I guess these are all unlockables or maybe they unlock and then you have to purchase them that's probably what it is so we have a car four we have a signature 40 we have a rhinefield j m castigo, saa144 a thick pc9 Northwest B9 a strike seven a div of div Commando KU 59 SP model 11 I'm sure I'm making some of you cringe by pronouncing these names mosconi 12 classic reinfield 900s signature 403 SG compact S4 is a bison and a vf7s.

And then we have preset weapons so what's the difference between preset and then just weapons, so we have our Viv command these are these like named weapons yeah these are all named weapons I wonder if these are these more powerful we have our Thunder Scythe that's a tough one to say feather light or Sentinel, pin hammer Square Off hard cough orch King Monument ruthless hard liquid long rager what kind of name is that the long rager I love it and then the Moscone the poacher then we have a few different weapon charms you can get we can inspect them I'm not okay so it's gonna show us what it'll look like on our weapon we don't need to do that for all these we have our paint schemes which We're not gonna buy any of those, few different ones we have weapon stickers.

I like the koala over here, and then we have favors so you can get armor bags, made-it bags, zipline bags, and those will be available to you in the game. Okay, where were we at loadout? Deployable, so we get different deployables. We get an ammo bag, a medium bag, our turret, or our armor bag. Our Overkill weapons are rocket launchers, or what looks like snipers.

For our armor lining, we have light, medium, standard, or heavy.



For throwables we're gonna have a frag grenade a flashbang a throwing knife and a smoke grenade then we already went through our skills and then the tools we're gonna have a micro cam an infrasonic mine an ECM Jammer or a motion sensor okay then we have you can have your different loadouts let's go to vendors so now let's look through so we already looked through all the weapons let's kind of look through the mask, so these are going to be just your standard Mass I'm not going to inspect all of them because that's going to take forever but I'll kind of see if I can inspect like a few of them so these are going to be just your basic plain boring mask and then you have more of like your character Mass here.

So these are the same; you can just add some customization to them. I'm not really sure because this is the same as this one kind of; I guess it's a little different but pretty similar, but then it has like some markings on it. I like the suits. I think the suits look pretty nice, okay? See, this is the highest level, mostly just different colors; they're all kind of; they're all fairly similar; they're mostly just kind of or swaps, right?



I guess they're a little different, the suits are all kind of the same though yeah see like a lot of these are the same they're just color swaps, like these two are the exact same that's kind of disappointing then we have gloves are, not super exciting to look at but you can see here again there's a lot of the same type of gloves just different color swaps okay and then our last but not least you have your currency broker okay and then we have let's go to our challenges so you're gonna have a bunch a bunch of challenges to unlock, these are gonna it says right here these are gonna World reward you skill points for customizing your play style so a ton we're not again we're not gonna go through all these but it looks like there's gonna be, there's 64.

There's no way there's 64 pages worth of challenges. That's insane some of them are kind of the same. I guess some of them are kind of the same; they are just different. Like, this one's beat ten times, beat something 15 times, beat 40 times, so yeah, they're all there. Some of them are kind of the same; they just upgrade each time, but that's a lot of a challenge.

Then we have career stats. Our career achievements reach an unprecedented level. I think they're all at an infamy level. Yeah, they're most then there's complete ice, so man, there's so much to do in this game, okay, and then we have combat one, so defeat Zapper defeated Dozer, defeat 10 enemies with certain guns, so they really want you to use all the different guns to unlock things, and then you're going to get whatever these are the skill points.

I think they said to customize your play style. A lot of them are locked. There's, man, an insane amount of stuff to do in this game, but there we go. That's our overview for payday 3. I hope you enjoyed the game too. I'll be putting gameplay articles up for this too. I don't know how much we're going to do with it because it's going to depend on how it performs on the channel, but we'll see.

I do want to play this game. I am going to be putting out some coverage, though, so keep an eye out for more on payday 3. Today I just wanted to kind of get an overview out because I know a lot of people aren't going to be able to play this game yet unless you get the Gold Edition. So, now you can kind of look through and see what this game has to offer in terms of cosmetics; it actually doesn't look like there's any.

I was going to say that I don't think there are any in-game purchases with real money. I'm not quite sure what all this is. You can convert cash into sea stacks, and the exchange rate gets better. I don't think there's any real-life currency purchases in this game, which is actually kind of nice to see, but again, I'm not confirming or any of that.

I just don't think there is; it doesn't look like there is based on what this is. I think this is just in exchange for different types of currency. But there we go. That's going to be it for our payday 3 overview.

Overview of Payday 3! PAYDAY 3 is the explosive sequel to one of the most popular co-op shooters of the past decade. Step out of retirement back into the life of crime in the shoes of the Payday Gang, the envy of their peers and the nightmare of law-enforcement wherever they go. 0001 - Intro.
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