Payday 3 Pro Tips

This isn't the only way to distract that security guard, though you can also turn off all the cameras by using loot bags, and you're pretty much going to use the same strategy: you'll throw a loot bag next to the security guard to distract him, and as soon as you throw it down, you want to pick it right back up, and if you did it correctly, all of the cameras should be turned off, so you can do that with either knives or loot bags.


Speaking of radios left. I should probably point out that technically you get more than what you see in the game on Overkill; for example, you'll get a total of two radios that you can use before the guards start searching, but if you were to down a third security guard and answer his radio, it'll just trigger a search, so in Overkill.


You're allowed three radio calls without triggering the alarm, but if you try to answer the radio while they're already searching, or if you try to answer the radio for the fourth time, then it will trigger the alarm instead of looking like this, which is how it currently looks. it should probably look more like this and I got this image from Reddit by the way so yeah that's another thing you want to keep in mind even if you run out of Radio Calls as long as the guards aren't searching you should still be able to get another radio call without triggering the alarm also whenever you see First Response arrive you may want to stop shooting because the negotiation, stage is going to start soon after that and if you shoot during the negotiation, stage then it'll reduce the timer to zero and it'll start the assault stage right away so yeah whenever you see First Response arrive you know the negotiation stage is going to come next and if you want the negotiation stage to last as long as possible even if you're just shooting into the air it'll end the negotiation stage so if you want it to last as long as possible you want to avoid shooting and you may also want to avoid going outside.

I noticed, for whatever reason, that when I stepped outside during the negotiation stage, it ended all negotiations. And started the assault wave right away. I hardly ever see anybody use this mechanic. But there are a couple of heists where you can close the shutters and WI windows, so no rest for the wicked.

All you have to do is press these buttons that are next to the windows. You can also do the same thing on dirty ice. You can close all the shutters by pressing these buttons that are next to the windows, but yeah, if you don't want people outside the building to see what you're doing inside, then you can close those shutters, and that should help you out.


Speaking of dirty ice, there's an easy way to get two out of the three codes. Without actually having to do anything, one of the codes is going to be on this white board. You will need a microcam in order to see it, but just throw your microcam on that table. You can see one code there, and you can also see the other code on the employee of the month frame, which's located in the main area, and grabbing these codes this way makes it a little bit easier to guess what the code is.

If it was neither of those codes, then you're going to have to break in a different way, but that'll tell you that it's going to end up being a third code, which is located. On the cabinet in the VIP room, unlike in Payday 2, ammo drops are instant, meaning that if you pick up the ammo that the enemies drop, it's not going to take away ammo from other players on your team.


So yeah, in Payday 2, I remember I used to avoid using the ammo bags and just pick up the dropped ammo, but in Payday 3, it doesn't really matter. You can just pick up all the dropped ammo you see because that's not going to take away the dropped ammo, and your teammates' ammo drops are still going to be there.

A couple of tips for the golden shark The red key card will always be in the same room as the employee, and you can check and see if the employee is in the first room by just looking in the window; sometimes you also see them on the cut scene. Apparently there's a total of 21, and here's the level at which you get each skill point, so you'll get your 21st and last skill point at level 100, and the last tip I want to go over is more of a PSA when it comes to No Rest For The Wicked: do not.

I repeat, do not. So the way to determine whether or not you need to throw extra thermite in there is by looking at the fire itself. If the fire is taller than you, you do not need to throw thermite into it. If you do throw thermite into it when it's taller than you, it'll trigger the sprinklers.


You didn't have to turn it off; instead, what you want to do is you want to wait till the fire calms down a little bit and becomes, more or less, at your height. If the fire is at your height, then you can throw the extra thermite bag in there. So yeah, not really a pro tip, but I've been seeing a lot of people struggle with that.

But that sums up all the tips we have for this one again. If you have any pro tips in regards to Payday 3, let us know about those as well. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks

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