Payday 3 Review - Should You Buy This Game



One thing that I will talk about quite negatively, and if I were someone who would give reviews, scores out for certain sections of a game, so now I'm going to talk about the Gunplay, and for me, the Gunplay would be at best a 5 out of 10.

And that's just for one reason, and that's because the game uses a bloom recoil system. If you don't know what Bloom is, pretty much when you advertise and shoot an automatic weapon, instead of the bullets coming straight out of the barrel of the gun, as soon as they leave the barrel, they'll angle off and just spread around where you're aiming, right bullets leave the barrel and go forward; they don't leave the barrel, and straight away, like coming out at an angle that just doesn't happen.


Right now, guns are made to be accurate. Imagine if people made guns that would just be super inaccurate as soon as the bullet left the barrel. This sort of recoil system is present in a lot of first-person shooter games that I would generally consider to be more casual or console-focused games, like Battlefield, all of which use a bloom system apart from Battlefield 5, and Battlefield 5 has the best gunplay of any Battlefield game.

I'm not talking about time to kill just the Gunplay in general, and generally, games that don't use the bloom system will be sort of more hardcore tactical games like Escape From Tarkov. Hell out Loose Squad, now the reason why Bloom for me is so bad is because there's no way to like it fully. Master a blue recoil system because while there'll be some vertical recoil as you fire an automatic weapon, you can't fully control where the bullets are going because they're just blooming and going around where you're Raymond instead of where you're aiming.


That's just how Bloom works now. If it were using a more, let's say, normal recoil system, the bullets would go where you're aiming, and then the gun would be recoiling upwards and going diagonally a bit. You can fully control that if you're good enough, so you can absolutely laser people, so it really rewards player skill, right?

Because the only way to fully control bloom is to not shoot your gun because you need to wait for the bloom to reset. So for me, that's why Gunplay is a 5 out of 10 at best. Okay, Bloom is just not enjoyable for me, right? I want to be able to fully laser people controlling that weapon; even if I have to pull my mouse down from like the whole width of my desk.

I'll do it right, and that's also one of the reasons, like I said earlier, when you get the MK14, which is a single-shot weapon, when you start using that and can kill people in one shot to their head, and because a single shot, you don't have to worry about this Bloom system. You can quickly just tap people in the head one after the other without having to worry about rubbish.


Bloom recoil, so if you're into big progression systems, there is quite a lot of progression in the game. As you level up, you unlock more weapons, and as you use those weapons, you rank up those weapons, and then you can unlock attachments for them. So if you've been wondering what this music that's playing in the background is, that's the Payday 3 soundtrack, and it is [__].

superb. This soundtrack doesn't play when you're doing the self-sections; it only plays when you go hop, and I've been so tempted many times just to go hot straight away just so the soundtrack can kick in and I can start slaying people. The soundtrack is so damn good. I need to quickly talk about microtransactions.

Now, for payday 3, there are no microtransactions, but for payday 2, there are 81. There are different microtransactions available, and I think they're all cosmetics or music bundles to add to the game. So right now. I can't comment on the pricing model for any microtransactions for payday 3, but based on payday 2, there will be, and I just hope they won't be priced too highly because I think many microtransactions are just way overpriced, like ten dollars for a skin.

pc review

Is that worth like one-sixth or one-fifth of the total game price? Of course it's not, but looking at Payday 2. Their micro transactions seem to range from now on, so I'm going to have to use British money here for two pounds (49 to 5.99) based on things like cosmetics, weapons, and extra heists, so I don't think they'll be priced too badly.

One fear I do have about Payday 3, though, is that now this is really just like a personal thing for me that these four-player co-op games how long I will actually be playing at four. Yes, there's a really big progression system in the game, but for me, that's not enough to keep playing and playing because if I'm playing right now and I'm doing really well.

I'm not fading any heists, then making myself like, stronger in, quotation marks like stronger with better skills or better weapons. It doesn't have as much draw for me as it might do for other people, so I do question how long people will be playing this game, although if you remember what I said earlier.

ps5 review

Payday 2 was released 10 years ago and it still gets peaks of up to 50 000 players, so maybe the game won't just click with me for too long, but for many people it will. But ultimately, do I recommend getting paid A3 or not? I would say yes, while I was finding the early police assaults kind of boring as I started to play the game more.

I was enjoying them more, and I wasn't playing with friends; I was just playing with randoms, so I think if you were to get this game with a bunch of friends, it would be so much better. I mean, it will be so much better playing with friends because you can just have a laugh and [__] talk to each other, so yeah, I recommend payday three.

I reckon anyone who picks it up will have a decent time with it. Give the article a like if you liked it and a dislike if you didn't.


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