Payday 3 Review Who Should Buy And Who Should Not

Performance and graphics

Performance and graphics

And Graphics : I played and reviewed Payday 3 on my MSI stealth GS77. Device that contains a 3080 RTX. TI, alright, so the game looks like payday plays like a better payday, and I absolutely loved it. With this experience in Unreal 4, I want to point out what I think the payday series can become even further in the future if they invest heavily in graphics.

Now I didn't experience any hard crashes, and I thought the engagement with the enemies overall looked and felt good as they, you know, reacted to being shot. It's just that sometimes they looked a little clunky. Now I continue to play and love this game, but man. I really want to see the payday series with the graphical aesthetic look of, you know, a you know a Modern Warfare campaign that we just experienced last year.


That would be a nasty accessibility feature. As a veteran, I've become a stickler for accessibility features being implemented in games. I have friends who've sustained injuries, making it difficult to game in certain circumstances, so I'm always looking into games that evolve and implement new features.

So let's talk about the article portion.

Accessibility features

Accessibility features

Here, I had FPS Limited at 140 FPS, which I thought went well and was comfortable for me. I left vsync on and cranked up the fob to max out at 90. Now there is a colorblind mode in here with three choices of deuteronoke, protono, and trite nope. I hope I said those things right. If not, I'm sorry, but there is the ability to also adjust the strength of the colorblind modes.

I turn motion blur off because, why not? I turned subtitles on, and there was a subtitle size that can be adjusted for your individual needs. You can toggle your reticles as well as your crosshairs, width, length, and size. Indicators can also be toggled, and the scale can be adjusted there. There are five audio features that can be adjusted based on your individual needs, and for the gameplay, you can modify the control sensitivity of the hold to run Crouch and Target against the enemies.


You can also disable chat and cross-play, however. I do recommend keeping cross-play on so that you have better access to two more players to group up with there. There are full rebindings of both mouse and keyboard as well as the controller support capabilities, and overall. I thought they did a good job here of offering accessibility features for players that are coming into the payday series Sound.

Sound and music

Sound and music

And the music will get you ready. There was some voice acting in here, especially during the pre-his portion of letting you know what to expect, and you also had a post-heist version as well, kind of letting you know after the fact. I thought it was fine; the voice acting fit well as a briefing prior to and after the heist, so I had no issues with its case conclusion.

Case conclusion

Case conclusion

Now that I've completed this investigator review of Payday 3, I want to get my overall findings when I do these reviews. I look at the value within games that it will bring to consumers if you decide to purchase it or sync time into a game via Game Pass.

I have to admit, I am a big Payday series fan, and seeing how they moved Payday 3 forward, I was not only impressed but alsoI was slightly addicted at this point. I love the variety of the heists, the approaches on each one, the shooting mechanics feel really good, and I just had a ton of fun with this game, so if you enjoy the payday games or maybe you're looking for a good first-person shooter experience with essentially unlimited replayability, then you will enjoy this game.

gameplay no commentary

However, if you're not into FPS games or maybe you're wanting something more open-world or outside of this arena, then you should skip this game. At its core, that's what this game is; it's an FPS where you pull off Heist over and over and over again and you get into a lot of shootouts. But as you see from reviews, we sometimes do not agree, and that's the great thing about art.

However, I take the responsibility of doing these reviews very seriously.

Payday 3 is an upcoming first-person shooter game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by Deep Silver. It is a sequel to Payday 2, and is also the third installment in the Payday series of video games. The game is set to be released on September 21, 2023. Payday 3 is available on and.
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