Payday 3 Rock The Cradle Stealth Solo No Mask (normal)

rock the cradle silent

Like I said, there are two possible locations for the it room, so if this room over here is not the it room, then it's basically just the camera room or the security room with the guy watching the cameras, like we saw before in No Rest for the wickets and then also Derby ice. For this one, I didn't take him out, and it's not necessary.

If you exit over here, there's a camera, and there's also a crate where you can find some additional drugs. You can steal it right now. I left it. I don't know for sure if I pick it up later, but the second possible location for the it room is just on the other side over here, so this door on the right could be that there is a guy next to it now.

If this is the case, it will be very hard to lock and pick this door, so what you then have to do is just distract them, but let me first show you that inside there is a door. Right now, it's a blue key card, so this is the security room. If this is the it room, you will need the red key cards that we found in the accountant's office, so that's also the reason why you have to go to the accountant's office first, just in case the it room is in this location.

rock the cradle solo

Just to show you guys over here, there is a small box. I don't know exactly what it is, but you can use it to lure away the guard that is standing next to the door if he's there, of course, like this guy over here. If he's standing next to the door, you can just lure him away, and then you can pick the lock.

Next, the step will be to cut the power to the it room so that we can get the crypto wallets. Before I did so, there was some cash that I was carrying and also some drugs that I left behind. I went to get those, and I also secured them. You can do this if you want. It's not really necessary; it's optional.

Then go upstairs to this room over here, so this is the way that we entered the VIP area. Use your blue key card to open this door, and then find the right switch box. Mine was A400, green, like we found on the whiteboards in the IT room, so that's the reason why I said you had to remember this. After turning off the switch, we go to the accountant's office because we have to use his PC to reset the biometric scanner.

rock the cradle solo stealth no mask

So we went there already; like I said, it's all the way in the back and then on the left. Be careful again with the camera over here. I also accidentally alerted a guard. He thought he heard something; it was probably because I was running, so maybe don't run too much when you're in the office. Access the PC if you want to check the codes.

In real life, they're usually smaller, but maybe because there is a lot of money in them, they're larger. I think we still like 300K in the end; that's not too much, but anyway, if it was that thing over there, then we can go ahead and secure it, so throw it over this, yeah, over these boxes, and then you could escape if you want.

Of course, we're not going to do that. We're also going to get the vaults because, in the vault, there's also some cash. For the vault location, it will be on the right side. If you go to the door all the way in the back, it will be open. This is sometimes a poker room. The accountant is sitting here and playing poker.

rock the cradle stealth

If that's the case, you will have to lockpick one of the doors on the right side, and that's also fine on the left over here, so if you open the double doors, you can find a crate, and then you can also find the elevator doors now. Maybe where you equip your mask in this room over here, just wait for the camera to turn the other side, and then across the hall you can find the vault, this door on the right that I just unlocked if you lock pick this door of course you can access the Vault faster but then it could be that we found in principle it's still possible though it's of course your choice but if you do it like me it's kind of more easy, for default codes, you have to use one of the codes that we found in the accountant's office.

rock the cradle vault

You can see on the keypad which numbers are pressed a lot, and then based on this, you can figure out which one of the three is the correct one. From this point on, it's very easy to just take out all of the cash out of default and bring it to the drop-off location. Then you're pretty much done. Also, if you had some cash that you found somewhere else or if you had some drugs that you found, gather all of them and bring them to the drop-off location, and then you're ready to escape.

Hey, watch it! I think the most important part of this mission was the crypto wallet. Well, it is the most important part, and the hardest part was, in my opinion, the beginning, just getting into this VIP area, especially with the validation system that was in a very annoying location. But for the rest, when you get in the VIP area, to be honest, it's pretty simple, but I'm looking forward to also doing this mission in Overkill, and I'm also planning to do a article where I do this mission with my mask on, and then I'm planning to use the ventilation shafts because it also seems really fun to use those in stealths.

When you're done, just go to this room over here. You can open it with your blue key cards, and then you're finished. That was it, guys. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

hey guys, here is stealth guide for rock the cradle in payday 3. This guide is stealth, solo, no mask, no skills and with the crypto wallet and vault content. This guide is for players of all levels because no special skills were used.
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