Payday 3 Shotgun Build. Edge

While ammo is in the magazine, we refresh our edge and grip. So now, if we reload empty or with bullets remaining, we refresh our edge. We ain't never running out of edge here, mate. The last skills all sit in the Gunslinger line, Gunslinger, and its namesake East switch. Weapons gain edge, but aiming down sights removes it.


This works well here because we're hip firing; if we do swap to our secondary weapon, we will just hit fire with that too. We're always aiming for headshots; any headshot refreshes our Edge, so this just becomes a fountain of Edge at this point, then it's from the hip for hip fire accuracy while we have Edge heavy, hip fighters cause heavy staggers when hip firing with Edge is next, and then finisher a total Overkill moment: if we have Edge, the last bullet in our mag will do 200 damage, so basically, if we lose our momentum with the ammo funnel and replan skills where ammo is also picked up and applied to a magazine, it will be down to one last shell in that shotgun firing.

This will do 200 more damage, which, like I said, could be a little bit much here, but screw it, we're going in heavy now. You could definitely switch out this last one for the tactician skill. The tactician skill grants his edge when we stagger an enemy, which pairs well with a suppressive fire skill that we took earlier, but first off.

for beginners

I think we have Edge 99 of the time already at this point and B. We're trying to one-shot kill, not stagger, so it could be a non-issue for the rest of the loadout. We'll take the heaviest armor because we took the Speedy skills.

Other build stuff

Other build stuff

The heavy armor and the rush we gained by sprinting feel good. Adjust this armor to your liking, and if you take the speed skills or not, deployable is the armor bag, especially since we've been skilled in it, and well, it's armor, and you need it for tall, the only tool that's good for loud, the infrasonic mind, and for throwable.

I like concussions to help me get out of a pinch. Overkill, weapon pick your poison explosions, or precision weapons like I mentioned at the start—the Moscone for Ultimate Destruction secondary, the castigo or the Bison to continue to do mass destruction, or regular pistol for a little longer range The ammo phonon and replenish skills do work well with the revolvers, and as for attachments.

I suggest the range barrel to increase the range without sight, the CQC barrel for swap speed and sprint to fire increase, and the stub grip for hip fire spread and recoil, so there you have it.


shotgun build

Payday 3 shotgun build with EDGE! Edge in Payday 3 is a mechanic that grants you a 10 damage increase for 20 seconds, and with that you also get some great Payday 3 skills activated! I came across a reddit post of a document that shows the weapon damage numbers and shots to kill. These lined up with my in game testing and also show effects from the 2 perks I mentioned.
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