Payday 3 Stealth Guide Solo With Stealth Tips And Tricks: Payday 3 How To Stealth Guide


In this article I'm going to be going over Stealth gameplay in Payday 3 so the first thing that I'm going to go over is your weapons if you go to your weapon and choose it which is under load out in the main screen you press r on the weapon after you click the slot and that's going to bring up your accessories on the gun your, modifications, and the barrel extension you can put a silencer on so your starter pistol you can put the silencer on at level one, if you're going to try to do it on a different weapon, then you need to level up a little bit with the gun so level two unlocks the shotgun silencer, and it can be even higher for different weapons as well, having a silencer on your weapon though is huge for Stealth gameplay because this means that when you're masked up you can still stay in stealth and kill people occasionally as long as you hide their bodies which I'll be going over how to do that too, the next thing I'm going to go over is your skills, the best stealth skills are under the infiltrator.

Escapist drifter, and hacker tree, under infiltrator, you have when you pick a lock or kill an enemy with a throwing knife you get Rush, which makes you have more movement speed, and then the next one is if you have Rush you can pick a lock with one jiggle, so that means that if you play the lock mini game, then just hitting it one single time in the right spot is going to unlock the luck instantly, and that speed is going to help you a lot when you're trying to do stealth, other than that I think probably the most important thing in the infiltrator tree is this level four bagger as long as you have rush you can loot bags faster, being able to bag up quickly and get in and out as fast as you can is very important for Stealth gameplay.


Escapist is another really good skill tree, so in here I would focus on level one, level five, and the max level of this. So on the first level, as long as you have your mask on, I know it doesn't say that you need to have your mask on, but it doesn't actually let you rush if you don't have your mask on.

Basically, just sprinting with your mask on is going to make you go faster, and that's going to let you get through secure places really quickly. I'm not sure if battering ram is extremely important, but battering ram makes it to the point where, if you have Rush, you can sprint through locked doors.

I don't know if this makes a lot of noise, but if it doesn't make a lot of noise, then this could be extremely useful for infiltrating. Quickly, then we have grifter, so if you don't have your mask on and you run near a civilian or employee, then you get rush, and that's going to have some synergy with your escapism and perks.


Level two of Grifter is really nice as well. This means that if you rush, then cameras can detect you. The next level makes it to where employees will ignore you doing illegal actions as long as you have a rush and you don't have your mask on. Then there's the fourth level that lets you answer radius 50% faster; it's going to help a lot when you're taking out any guards, like actually killing them.

I would say Grifter is probably the best or second-best out of all of the trees. If you want to focus on if you're trying to do stealth gameplay, then there's hacker.'I'd say if hacker isn't the most important for stealth, then hacker would be. If you have a hacker, then you can hack security cameras and use them for yourself.

You can also overload devices that you've hacked, and they'll stun people who are close to them. The second level of hacker is going to let you use run time to make the camera loop its footage and not be able to actually detect you. This level three is really nice because you can use lures from a distance, so like those speakers or any type of lure, as long as you can see it, you can activate it.


Level four lets you hack cameras, mark guards, or law enforcement. So if guards or law enforcement are in front of your camera, you'll be able to see them through walls and be able to tell exactly what they're doing. The next level is going to let you hack a guard's radio and make them distracted, so you can get past them or get into areas that are usually really hard to access by using this, and finally, this last level is going to let you answer radios remotely, as long as you can see a dead body.

So say you want to kill a security guard. You can shoot them and then answer their radio from far away and not risk having to get in line of sight of cameras or other people. Keep in mind that if anyone sees a body, they'll still report it. Those are the most important perks to have, so let's get on with the game now.

The first thing to know about stealth is that if you don't have your mask on, it doesn't matter if anyone sees you in public areas. If you get caught in a private area while you don't have your mask on, you have the option to be escorted out. Say I get caught by the security camera right here, then this guy is going to come to investigate where the security camera caught me.

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As long as I don't run away actively, he won't arrest me initially. All he's going to do is escort me out of the area. That only works for private areas, so use this to your advantage before you've masked up. You can't actually lose a mission this way. You'll just get escorted out over and over, and it's really just a waste of time.

Please stay out of the restricted areas. Okay, even if you get caught right away again, as long as you're not doing anything illegal, if you're just in the private area, he's just going to ask where you again took a turn. Please follow i'll let you off with a warning: don't wander off again. Now if you do actions that are considered illegal while you have your mask off and someone witnesses you if you don't have their perks, for example, like the one that I listed earlier that makes it to where employees won't care if you do something illegal but guards will always care if you do something illegal.


I'm not so if you're doing something that's actually illegal, like, for instance, if you don't listen to a security guard, then you'll get arrested. If you get arrested, then unless you have the max level grifter perk, this is the end of your stealth because at this point you have to have your friend or your bots revive you, and they'll have to mask up for doing this, so this is going to take you out of it.

Arrested, and finally, just being in an area that's considered secure is going to get you arrested. You can see at the top that it says what type of area you're in public, you can always be in, and you're safe as long as you don't have a mask on. If you're in private, security will escort you out, and cameras will catch you.

This video goes over the various Payday 3 stealth mechanics and shows a variety of Payday 3 Tips and Tricks for Stealth that will help successfully be stealthy and win stealth heists. Other Payday 3 videos.
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