Payday 3 Sucks - Developer Obsessed With Online Only. Review & Impressions

Um, in too much detail, so no single player, like I've said, you know, online, made the game unplayable upon launch. That's right, you know. If you could have everybody offline playing it, everybody'd be happy. Online only forces you to go into matchmaking even though you are alone in a lobby, which is just crazy, and the game doesn't connect anymore, so I can't play.

You know, last night matchmaking just didn't work this morning. I got a nebula, a data error, and no connection error. You know, it's just ridiculous that a game like this comes out. You know nobody can play the game. Like I've said, I think the core mechanics of the game are very good for what it's trying to achieve.

But ultimately, you've got to understand that idiots are just going to run into the banks and just start spraying people down. You know you cannot play this game as a solo player. I would actually tell anybody, and, again, a lot of people are probably going to disagree with what I'm saying here, but again.

I'm bringing you gaming news with my own unbiased opinion; it's obviously going to vary compared to a lot of people's, but I'm going to give you my opinion anyway. Payday three: if you are a solo player, do not buy this game unless you get it for free. Do not touch it if you are a solo player because if you're joining three other random people playing this game, it's not a good experience, even if the game was working, which it's not right now; it's not a fun experience, but again, this In my opinion on the matters the gaming news is factual: paid A3 is a mess right now; people can't play the game, and, you know, the developer is Breeze Studios.

I think it's because you've just got to do a lot better. Bye-bye now,**

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