Payday 3: The Good, The Bad And The Mediocre


The main thing I like about payday 3 compared to payday 2, and what I think is the biggest improvement going from payday 2 to payday 3 is the shooting in the gun play; it feels so much better than payday 2. It feels better to use the guns. The guns sound better. My biggest problem with Payday 2's weapons is that they didn't feel like they had any oomph, weight, or just impact on them, and then in Payday 3, the guns have a lot more impact and weight on them, and it's just more fun to shoot the guns I feel in this game compared to Payday 2.

The game looks better than Payday 2 in pretty much every way, and the environment seemed to be more reactive. Like when you shoot things, the impact feels more because there's more effects, and it looks like the environment's getting destroyed a little bit, which is good, and if that's better for the most part than Payday 2, but for some reason there's also one part that looks worse, and for some reason I've been seeing this more and more in new games.

bank heist

I don't know what it is, but it's blacked-out windows for cars. I don't know what it is, but newer games seem to have more blacked-out windows for cars. Than some older games like in Payday 2 you could see the interiors of cars but in Payday 3 you cannot you cannot see in the car windows I don't know why it's really not that big of a deal to be honest but it is a downgrade and I've seen blacked out windows also in Gotham Knights and something about blacked out windows in cars just bother me I, find all the heist in Payday 3 to be different and unique in some way and I really like the design of them but there are only eight heist in the game whereas Payday 2 had 12 but Some in Payday 2 were kind of small, and some of them were basically the same map but with different variations The new ones seem to be a bit more interesting, a bit better designed, and more thought out than what Payday 2 launched with, but again, there are only eight.


But I do pretty much like all the heists, to be honest, that's. Smaller but I like that bank heist it's just fun this game has better enemy type designs, and I feel like there's more variety in the law enforcement and, better outfit designs for law enforcement and the law enforcement AI is definitely smarter at least in some areas like they'll actually be hide behind their Shield unit so like if there's a shield unit pushing in there'll be some units hiding behind him so you have to get the shield unit before you can get some of the ones behind them and, of course you can shoot , depending on what gun you have you can I think you can just shoot enough and you can break the glass that's in on the shield and then you can shoot The Shield's face or the shield guy's face and then get the people behind them but they also won't rush in right away so like if you start the heist and then they arrive they won't immediately rush in if you have hostages and you can trade hostages, depending.


On how many hostages you have you can trade a ton of hostages for a bunch of extra time and they won't even push in but they'll push in early if you shoot at them or if you shoot your gun then they'll push in but if you don't shoot your gun you have a bunch of hostages then they won't push in right away and then also you can use hostages as Shields and they'll try not to shoot the hostage like, at least most of the time it seems that they stop firing at you when you have a hostage Shield but, then sometimes I guess they just forget that you have a hostage or something and they don't seem to care and they just start blasting I also think that payday 3 has better stealth than Payday 2 and Payday 2 is all about concealments.

Silence weapons ecm, jammers, all that stuff, and on PayDay 3, there is no concealment there. ECM jammers, but they're not as essential as they're useful. I think that's really the only time you really have to put your mask on. Some stealth ice is when you want to take the loot; other than that, you can do a bunch of stuff like open, grab key cards and get QR codes to unlock doors, progress the objectives, and do like all that stuff without even having to put your mask on, and I just feel like stealth in this game is actually more fun, or at least it is to me now.

I don't have much to say about the music. We all know Payday 2 had a great soundtrack. If you play Payday 2, you know that, and there is someone new behind the soundtrack of Payday 3, but, personally. I think the soundtrack fits the game most of the time, and I find the music good for the most part.


I think there was only one soundtrack I heard because I can remember one: Soundtrack: one piece of music on, Mission Rock the Cradle, or Elite The Heist rocked the Cradle. I just didn't really care for it, but the rest of the time it felt like payday music. I mean, it just felt like action music, but during Rock the Cradle Heist, there was one song or piece of music that played, and I didn't really like it; I didn't care for it.

Now i complained about it in the beta, and I really knew it wasn't going to change, but the menu in this game is atrocious. I know some people say that it's fine, but honestly, it's horrible to navigate Payday 2's menu and the ShopSlash buying system. None of that is in this game, and it's replaced by the favor system, which is that you go to the shop and buy a med bag, an enamel bag, an armor bag, or something like that, and then when the mission starts, you can click on it, and it will spawn somewhere in the map.

crime spree

Do you have a choice as to where it spawns? No, you don't lobbies. Are also atrocious, and by lobbies I mean the lack of lobbies because there really isn't a Lobby there's no Lobby browser there's no finding a match in, the map you know of the city or whatever there's no all persistent lobbies instead, you click on the mission you click to match make you can invite some people to your team if you have some friends you can invite them at the matchmaking, screen and then if you're trying to get randoms you hope the game will put people in your lobby as most of the time if you're trying to play with randoms it fails to get full lobbies or even a single other person in your lobby it just fail it, just fails to put anyone in your lobbies or you'll try to match make and it'll fail completely and you'll have to go back to the main menu because you had a matchmaking error and you can't even match make and you have to match make in order to even play by yourself so.


Yeah, the whole lobby system is terrible. You can make it private if you want or invite only if you want to play by yourself, which I did. For some levels, but then I tried playing with people, and you actually really can't play with people because it's hard to get into lobbies with other people, at least if you want to play with random people.

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