Payday 3: The Good, The Bad And The Mediocre

It is just a complete mess. The lobbies are just terrible. There's also a lack of dual wielding in Payday 3 for some reason, like in Payday 2U, where they added dual wielding and you could use dual wheel weapons, but there's a lack of that in Payday 3, and by lack of that. I mean there is no dual wheel being seen in Payday 3, and there's actually just a whole lot less weapons in Payday 3 than there were in Payday 2, and I mean a whole lot less weapons.

full release

I think there's actually, in total, like one sniper rifle and one or two sniper rifles. I'm pretty sure it's one sniper rifle, unless I missed one, but there's like a very small amount of weapons. It honestly blows my mind how little weapons are, like you think with only a heist. Maybe they focus more on weapons and stuff, but no, that's about it.

There's about as many weapons as there are in Heist now, but that's not exactly true because there's more than eight weapons. There's just a small amount of weapons, and there's no dual-wielding, and there's nothing like special weapons. There were also no melee weapons to choose from or unlock, and all you can do is hit people with your weapon, the butt of your weapon, which does absolutely nothing, so I don't even know why it's in the game, to be honest, because you can smack someone; you can smack a guard in the face.


Times, and he will not go down no matter how many times you hit him in the face with your weapon so I really don't know what that's for there's no melee in this game basically now the skill tree in Payday 3 I find to be more basic and Bland in certain ways compared to Payday 2 skill tree, like for example the top of a skill tree and Payday 2 was a bit exciting you know you get something like Inspire to be able to revive teammates at a distance or the biggest armor in the game once you completed the enforcer or skill tree you know you got all the way to the top at the enforcer skill tree when payday 3 the skills at the end of the trees are like increased ads, like somehow that's supposed to be like it's useful don't get me wrong sometimes increase adsb can be useful but it's like boring, it's just kind of boring you go you go through the entire skill tree and you get increased ads speed that's, that's pretty boring or increase reload speed or increased amount of grenades they're all just kind of boring compared to the more unique skills that I feel we're in Payday 2 at the end of the skill trees and some of the skills are broken like engineer it says you're required to have the engineer skill to equip the sentry gun but when I had it equipped it didn't let me use the sentry gun or equip the sentry gun but then I unequipped it and then it let me bring the sentry gun I, don't I don't have no idea like.


This skill tree is just broken, and even the sentry gun skill tree is more basic than, in Bland, Payday 2's sentry gun skill tree. There's actually less to it than Payday 2's sentry guns, and there are also no more trip mines or C40s either. I know the perk deck system was introduced later in Payday 2's life cycle, but you think because you introduced it later in Payday 2 and it was something actually interesting, you could make more interesting builds, and like perk decks were just.


I don't know, there's more ways to customize your build and make your build with perk decks, but for some reason that's also not in this game, so there's no perk deck system, no different interesting perk decks that change out your throwable for something just nothing. Nothing to do with perfect X in this game there's also no Special ammo types like dragon's breath slugs poison you, know the stuff that was kind of introduced later on or, well a little bit later I think it wasn't that much later but post launch you know special weapon types are Special ammo types but there's also no Special ammo types in Payday 3 either so there's, there's that I actually was looking forward to something like drag using dragon's breath in this game but there's no dragon's breath and there's no poison and there's no slugs and I thought they would at least have poison since they introduced more and more poison items at the end of Payday 2 but it seems like along with other things it's just been it's just kind of a system that's just been removed.

Ammo bag, that's it.

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