Payday 3: The Movie. All Story Cutscenes

Touch the sky [prologue]

I'll be real; this motherfucker's the last one I'd expect to have Mercury connections. He's been in business a long time, and he knows how to network.


Who are we talking about? Howdy y'all, it's been a spell since that thing in Texas. Now about this murky water. In business, it just happens. I ran into someone a while back, Mason Laurent, the nastiest sort of fella ex-military Xcia X various PMC outfits, including murky water nowadays. He's into cybersecurity.

I had a meeting with him and took a gander at his security software. It looked an awful lot like the tech you're fixing to crack. I heard the Yankee bastard no offense has a penthouse in the city. If I were a Gammon man, I'd say your best bet to find one of their encryption keys was to pay him a visit.

If he developed the technology, he's the brain behind the conspiracy. Let's go.

Touch the sky [epilogue]

Touch the sky [epilogue]

The information we got from Shark Servers feels good, and I checked the C-Stacks new encryptions. Air type, nobody's touching our money again. Now we just need some [__] dollar bills to put that [__] to the test. I say we need something worth stealing, but then we'll steal it. Yeah, we're back.

Let's go on to pause what he said. Cheers!

A movie-style edit of every cutscene that features in Payday 3 at launch. Enjoy.
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