Payday 3: The Problem With Always Online Games


Which isn't the Creator's Fault by the way. I'm not blaming any of the creators, but the thing is, they got to experience the game without any of these issues; they got to play with other people; a lot of the fun for these Heist games is playing with others because of the interactions that happen because of you either playing it very seriously or messing around and screwing people over things, like that happens naturally organically; as people interact with one another, they just make the experience more fun; they got to experience all of that; they had a wonderful experience.

Stays, role-played, event that made them feel better, and subsequently, make very positive articles about the game pre-launch, which sets up the expectations that the game is going to be extremely good and then come launch day and two days later, and who knows if this is going to continue by the time you're watching this article, people are still unable to play, and I really think that that's an issue that should be addressed, at least with these types of games.

Again, it may seem like I'm exaggerating, but you have to think from the consumer's perspective. The people who are spending money to play the game that they want to play only have a few hours to do it. If the entire day, two days or more, is completely out, then they're missing out on precious hours that they get to spend actually enjoying the game that they paid for, and with the press event that I just mentioned.

first impressions

I think it sets the president that I've seen even with Star Field and things like that where there's been a wave of early access. For certain creators to get their hands on a game so they can possibly spin up the game so that the narrative can change and be towards a more positive-ended thing, which then leads to more creators wanting to do that to be in the good races of companies, and then that leads to less and less genuine reviews of games, which is bad for the consumer again, but that's a completely different can of worms for today.

We're just going to focus on that one. Hopefully it wasn't too much for you again to do the YouTube things. Don't forget to follow us on Twitch, and until next time, try to stay alive.

I was excited to play Payday 3, and to be fair the game has a lot of features from gameplay to music that make it very enjoyable, when its working. The problem is, for the past 3 days and counting, matchmaking has been either very slow or nonfunctional alltogether. And this stems from the decision by Starbreeze to keep the game online only as opposed to their previous entries that had both.
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