Payday 3, Three Weeks Later. Is Disappointing

I don't really care that you know they had 200+ bugs; they wanted to fix urgent issues like that with PS5 players. Their enjoyment is really impactful. Ed should have been addressed sooner rather than later, and the fact that the patch it was going to be addressed in got delayed now and we still don't know when it's happening is a mess.

payday console

Never mind the fact that I can't play on crossplay. I pale in comparison to a whole platform having issues, and I apologize. In a lot of ways, the developers at Star Brewery, because I've said this before in a lot of cases, say they are just trying to make the best game they can. A lot of the problems that have gone on in the background are down to the higher-ups, but here I don't really know who to blame for the way the update has been handled, and I don't really know who to direct the blame. I just respect the studio, and I want them to do the best they can with the game, but I feel like right now they're fumbling the bag and things can be done to fix it that just aren't.

Inconsistent information & communication

Inconsistent information & communication

But one thing that would really help with that I think has sucked in particular over the last 3 weeks has been a lack of consistent communication.

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Now I will give them again A Plus here because wherever I can be positive as you know I will be doing the dev streams that they did on six different days over the last three weeks to share things they working on behind the scenes their thoughts on changes, fixes new content all that stuff for payday 3 were very good it was a very good step in the right direction it showed them as a studio, trying to communicate despite the problems they were having very big plus the problem that I have with it though is that if you didn't watch those direct streams or my articles summing them up you wouldn't have the single foggiest, idea what the hell was going on behind the scenes there was no attempts to share even summary notes on Twitter, steam forums their own official website none of that it's not been shared anywhere when I was watching that stream all I did was for that hour take some notes down if you were doing it professionally you could spend half an hour afterwards Tiding them up reording them and putting them on a website.

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And it stinks for one thing: I mean, this supposed update has been delayed. A big issue with it that they mentioned previously was that they were waiting for console certification. That adds an extra layer of problems to them pushing patches out it makes sense if you don't already know Sony and Microsoft take three to five days on average usually to approve a console game getting an update before it can be officially pushed out the door so Microsoft look over it they look for any problems and go this is fine or they send it back and go do better, one of the other Sony I've heard in particular, sometimes can take longer like a week or more but the general gist is that Sony and Microsoft need to address it valve is not the same for steam you send them a thing and go can you just push this update out valve go sure here you go buddy and it's out it's why pay on PC you got hot fixes.

Like when there was a problem on console, it's not the same, and I get that, and they need to make sure that when they put an update out, it comes out at the same time on all platforms. The problem that we have is that they're not telling us if the update they've been delaying has been sent off for approval.

Do we have to wait about a week because it is still not ready to be approved? It's been a week since you said it was delayed, and we know absolutely nothing beyond that. Tell us if the update is still not ready so we can set reasonable expectations. They said they're not going to give dates, so they can't break promises.

That's fine; don't do that, but do tell us where you're up to; at least say the update's nearly ready or the update is still taking a bit more time. Give us some rough tangent as to what the hell is going on in the studio, because I'm not for a second assuming you just sat on your ass doing nothing.

Overall post-launch disappointment

Overall post-launch disappointment

red archer

I'm expecting you guys to be doing stuff to try and fix the game, but what you're doing in there and what we're hearing out here There's not much of an overlap in that ven diagram there in fact if anything I don't think there's any overlap realistically, right now it's been as I said A week and we don't know anything yet so for me I just feel like right now combining the lack of updates and a lack of information about what's going on with future updates is really dampening my enjoyment of payday 3 I still think it's a great game I'm not going to stop playing it anytime soon I know there's a lot of people who still want to hear me talk about it and see me play the game and that's great and I'm having fun playing it, but I just feel like in terms of how this could have been handled post launch yeah you had a rocky start and it's easy to redeem yourself from that, but it isn't getting much better, quickly but those are the two real key issues that I have we just haven't had a single update since the game came out and for some players for people who can't use a nebula like me and for PS5 players in particular is awful but even the average payday 3 player on PC or Xbox who hasn't got those problems has probably sat thinking.

When are we going to get information on bug fixes or anything like that? When are we going to get things addressed? Who knows i really, really don't know, and beyond that, just sharing information and putting updates out fine might take a while of delays, but at least let us know what's going on and keep us in the loop, because in some ways you're doing a great job of it, but in other ways you're doing a shambles of a job of it, and I think really more consistency between platforms is needed.

For once, I don't mean the console versions of the game; I mean the platforms that Payday 3 operates on socially. Twitter is their most popular platform, and they're not getting nearly enough information on it right now to justify it.

Audience comments

Audience comments

3 weeks to the date of Payday 3's launch, you can see the poll here or in the post. I should say, so I thought I'd just read over a few comments and just get a bit of a general taste of the audience sentiment. I've not really looked over this because I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. But we'll see, so let's have a little look at virtual sin, saying that it's a milestone, unfinished and broken, but the most fun they've had in years.

This echos my sentiment. The game is very fun to play, but there's a lot of problems around the edges that make it feel quite unfinished and quite broken, so that's just something that I completely agree with just completely honestly. That ain't Falco amazing; the only problems, I think, are always online.

It's been 3 weeks since Payday 3 released. and almost nothing has changed or improved since launch. Today, I wanted to discuss why I worry about Payday 3's future if it can't even see a bug fix patch within the first month of its post-launch life. Let's talk.
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