Payday 3 - Top 10 Tips For Loud Overkill (solo And Online)



This tip applies mostly if you're playing with AI teammates, meaning you're playing solo, or if you're only playing with one other friend. Do not overextend for AI teammates. As you all know, the AI teammates are useless; they're really dumb and make terrible choices.

They die super easily, and it's almost like they do little to no damage because they barely kill anybody. They're really just utilized as baits. In my opinion. I use them as baits, and that's pretty much all they're useful for, including reviving you when you actually get taken out and you still have AI teammates, because they will run to you at all costs just to try to get you back up, but do not overextend for them.

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What that means is, let's say you're hiding in a bathroom and you're waiting for the wave to end. Don't try to run out and revive your AI teammate that gets killed out there with all of the cops, because that's just going to make you lose a lot of armor chunks. A lot of health and possibly even die just to try to revive an AI teammate, that's just going to be going down anyways after like 10 seconds when you get him revived, so just let him die, try to ignore them as much as you can, and only revive them if you are in complete safety.



Next up, you should be using the sniper Overkill weapon, and in regards to those snipers, you will want to save those snipers for the B dozers. I've seen a lot of people actually picking up those snipers and killing them.

Weaker cops such as the shield cops or the taser cops or anything like that, but these snipers are essentially just bulldozzer killers, and that's what they should be used for. I would recommend calling in as many snipers as you can and just getting them prepared because once the bulldozers come in, you can actually kill a bulldozer with about five head shots, so one magazine should be enough to take down a bulldozer.


Which is under the Sharpshooter tree, so make sure you always have that, but yeah, in case you're looking for the best build for loud gameplay. I will link it so I won't waste too much time talking about it here, but make sure you run proper builds that can one hit and, of course, have infinite ammo. Those are the two major priorities for Overkill difficulty.



For number seven, make sure you utilize wave breaks to push for the objective each wave takes. If I'm not mistaken, roughly 4 minutes or so. I have counted it down in the past, but right now I'm kind of blanking out on how long it actually is.

It's something like that; each wave is about 4 minutes to 5 minutes. And these are the absolute best times to push for objectives. Pushing for objectives while you are swarmed by different cops is not worth it at all, of course. Unless the objective can be done relatively safely, you should basically utilize the bathrooms and small rooms to bait for time and wait until the wave breaks so that you can push for the objectives.

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If you have to travel around a lot on the map, I do not recommend pushing for objectives. I would only recommend doing so if you are completely safe. Other than that, like I said, use the rooms for your protection and do the pushes when the wave brakes actually come in, so you will want to find where it is that you can actually play it fairly safely to protect yourself to then be able to continue on pushing with the objective.



Now for number eight, this is a fairly obvious one, but I feel like I should mention anyway: be alert for FBI vans.

Each map has about two or three different set locations in which the FBI van can be located. So I would recommend you kind of get used to that, and as soon as you hear the AI mention that there is an FBI van coming in, you will want to run out onto the FBI van at all costs. You don't want to sit in a small room and try to kill a bunch of cops before pushing out.

Just sprint outside and go take out that fan because if you don't, there is no way to actually win as you will constantly be swarmed by different enemies, so I wouldn't recommend it.


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Avoiding these definitely go and kill these FBI vents as soon as you possibly can for number nine pile up bags or that is the objectives, before the final charge a lot of people try to pick up loot or the bags and just take it to the last van and turn it in slowly one by one but I do not recommend this I recommend picking up and stacking up all the bags before you start delivering them to the van, because often times when you deliver the first bag onto the objectives as soon as you start you know pretty much reaching that end point in a map it will trigger the final charge so if you don't have all of the objectives together or all of the bags together you will have to be running back and forth, with the final charge meaning the cops will constantly spawn.

Multiple bulldozers and lots and lots of cloakers. And it's just going to be nearly impossible for you to finish, especially if you're playing solo. If you haven't piled up all the bags before starting to turn them in, definitely stack them up before even turning in the first bag. It's not worth it; it's not worth triggering the final charge before you're ready to go and last for Deployable, armor bag is King and for Tool, infrasonic.



Mine is King now first off, with the armor bag, there is nothing else that is better than the armor bag ammo. As I said earlier, you will have an infinite ammo build, so there is no need for you to have an ammo bag, and for medic bags, you will use the hostages to drop health packs, so you won't have to worry about those.

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As well, you can also find health packs laying around on the map, and the worst-case scenario is if you're really low on health and you're playing with AI teammates. They will drop medic bags automatically, and you don't have to worry about it. The Sentry Turret is also not worth it. The armor bag is simply king.

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I mean, all you really have to be concerned about in Overkill is your armor. You want your armor to constantly be topped off, or you just don't want to let it break whatsoever. So always kind of have an armor bag equipped; it is absolutely the best choice, there is no denying that, and as for tools, the infrared mine is the only relevant tool; the microcam is utterly useless; there's no reason to do that; and the motion sensor is also useless.

So I definitely recommend that it's the only useful tool anyway, so you should always be using that. But that's about it for the 10 best tips for loud Overkill gameplay. Hopefully, that has been useful to some of you guys. I will be catching you guys in the next

These are in my opinion the best tips for beating maps on Loud Overkill. Specially solo. I've stopped going for maps solo loud overkill but i think ill go back to trying to finish them up completely solo. Try it for yourself.
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