Payday 3: Touch The Sky. Overkill, Solo Loud

I mean. I'm running demolitionist for cooker here; I didn't really use it too much, and that heist I just did, but having a way to get grit just off the bat is really strong, and then these aren't important either. In the highest, I just did it, but I was going for a hostage takedown build there.

I just wanted to level up my DMR a bit, so that's why I wasn't really using the Bison, a CQC specialist. You could Ace it so that you get grit; I'd probably Ace it, but it's not really too important if I'm planning on Manning the DMR. I'll probably spec out of this in all honesty, but if I am going to use the Bison a bit, having human shields is really strong, so I would probably be an Ace CPC specialist if I wanted to focus on my Bison and then take soft assets and a pin puller so you can have increased movement speed while you have a human shield, and yeah, that's about it.

That's about it; that's the build. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

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