Payday 3 - Under The Surphaze All Loot: Very Hard - Art Critic & True Connoisseur Achievement/trophy

This is important because we obviously want the authentic one because the one I scanned is not authentic. I know the one I need is the one from the other room. I only have one USB drive to use, so I'm going to use it on the authentic one in the other room by cutting the glass looking inside using the USB drive and then picking up the painting.

If you pick up the wrong painting, it will dissolve into flames instead of you being able to bag it and then take it in stealth to the van. Our goal remains to loot the entire upstairs exhibition area without taking any of the sculptures from the manager's desks, get all of those items, send them off the zipline, and load them into the truck once.

The entire upstairs is gutted except for those sculptures. We can move on to the next step at this point; our goal is to basically repeat the same process we just did, but we're going to do it downstairs. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to find the console on the wall. This will open up the mini game with the rings that fill up the bar in the top left corner that disables the security in some of the exhibition rooms, and then we're actually going to go into the exhibition rooms, this time using QR codes to disable the power boxes.

The laser grids will not catch us. The important part is that the downstairs area is going to be a little bit tougher because we are not able to take out any of the guards that will be roaming around here. We used all of our luck for the guards upstairs, so we're just going to have to remain in really good stealth because you are in co-op; it is advantageous to split up, and it is advantageous for at least two people to stay upstairs at all times where it's safe.

It's time to finally work on getting that Shonda Latrell painting, and to do it, go to the manager's office and take note of the three sculptures on their desk. be very specific with memorizing them for us, we had a golden infinity symbol, a metal building structure, and, A wooden-looking thing with a spike sticking out the back of it.

With this information, you want to set up one person from your team at each of these sculptures, and you have to loot all three of them at the exact same time, so we have one friend in one room, one in another, and me in the room downstairs. Three of us are going to loot these three sculptures at the same time based on a countdown in our party chat, and if we do that, it will reveal a button inside the manager's room, but you are not quite ready to press it yet.

The reason is that pressing the button will set up a laser grid. The laser grid is exceptionally difficult to navigate, but if you set up someone in your group in the correct position before, by pressing the button, you can grab the painting without having to do the laser grid. The chandelier trail painting that you've been searching for is located downstairs in its own little private side room, and you want to navigate to it by just walking up here.

Once you are in position, you can call out to a co-op teammate in the manager's office to press the button that is behind the manager's painting. You would have moved the painting to reveal the button if you looted all three of the sculptures at the same time. If you accidentally trip a wire on your way out, as I do, it's not a huge deal.

You will need to go to the roof to call in the chopper, and once the chopper is there, you will need to bag all of the loot. Let's go over how many bags you'll need; there are a lot of them. The answer is 21 bags. The key pieces of loot are the Greg Judd painting in exhibition one and the Uma Ledet painting, which was found upstairs, and we used the spectrometer to verify which one was the correct one.

There will also be two Pedro Vicario paintings, and you can find out where they are located based on information in the manager's computer emails. You'll also have quite a few sculptures, including the three you needed for the secret painting as well as all of the others that you didn't need. With the police, increasing your time before they arrive can be exceptionally useful.

The Latrell painting will unlock as you throw it into the chopper as you are escaping, so luckily you don't need to complete the mission, but you do want all of the loot from all of the exhibitions, so verify that you have all of it by doing run-throughs. The first assault itself isn't very hard to survive, in my opinion.

I didn't even have the right gun equipped, and we did just fine, but the longer you stay in the assault, the harder this will be, so we really recommend getting out as fast as possible, which is why it was important to load a bunch of the loot into the van while in stealth at the beginning.

Payday 3 - Under the Surphaze Art Gallery All Loot on Very Hard - Art Critic True Connoisseur AchievementTrophy Guide - Steal the painting by Shanda Latrell and Complete Under The Surphaze having stolen all art from the 7 exhibitions on Very Hard or above - 3 Player Co-op Walkthrough. Mission Under the Surphaze. Player Count 3 Required. Difficulty Very Hard.
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