Payday 3: Update 1 - Everything You Need To Know



The visual section is pretty bug-standard, making sure things like deployables aren't left floating in the air if they're put on a surface that then moves.

It does actually highlight here that they'll fall to the ground if that happens, so it will make the overall game feel a lot less glitchy. Also, just things like standing on the van in road rage could cause other players to look glitchy as it's moving and really jumpy. That should now be a lot smoother. Other than that, feel free to pause and read through, but they're your standard visual bug update.



For the high section, there's a number of bugs across every heist. The main ones that jump out at me are that they've added a fix for the security door that was openable without the blue key card on 99 boxes.

If you're unaware of that, in 99 boxes, you can basically just walk into the camera room.

If you've got the loot, it's already bagged; you just can't move it, or it just disappears. It's good that they're fixing bugs like that, and a notable one if you're stealthy, rock the cradle. They fixed the issue where the bouncer wouldn't let you proceed into the VIP area despite showing him the VIP invitation that you can go and get.

Known issues


Finally Some of the known issues that they're addressing here are that challenges can get stuck showing one-of-one completion. But they aren't actually giving you the reward for that, so you can now unlock them by completing the challenge again or completing the highest difficulty challenge in that sequence, basically meaning if you have to play something 10 times, you obviously can't replay that; however, if the next milestone is to play it 20 times, it would unlock both of them for you, as would the weapon charms and Death Wish rewards from the Payday 2 to Payday 3 cross-promotion campaign, aKA infamy rewards.

Haven't been properly granted to players, and they're saying in the next patch they hope to have this resolved now. At the time of recording this. I've not had a chance to play Payday 3, after they've made this update, but I do want to call out that they haven't mentioned fixing the SE stack glitch, which, if you've seen my last article, means you can buy as many sea stacks as you want at the lowest price available.

They also don't mention fixing the glitches where you can hack a guard's radio and then melee them to lock them in place or the bug that allows you to take down the lead guard and permanently answer his radio. Hopefully, you found this breakdown useful. You can go and read through all of them on their website.

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