Payday 3 Update 2 Makes The Game Good Again

Cook off

Cook off

payday 2

I think they've done it really well, but I've got to move on next to [__] off and give my thoughts on that because, let me tell you, this is. The best execution they could have possibly done in paing kov over I've got to be honest they have made the heist so much better it's not even like too much has changed in the actual mechanics of the heist but this one I've played a lot got a lot of Loot, and that's partially why I haven't done as much of turbid station because I was enjoying kov so much that I just kept playing it I'm going to be completely honest with you and it's what I'm really loving about this so in cook off the things I want to pick up I've got a list in front of me in case it wasn't completely obvious, first off I really like how shade tells you about the ingredients this time she is much quicker to correct the mistakes than Bane was so rather than Bane saying it's this ingredient, and you having to wait for him to confirm or deny it if shade makes a mistake in the middle of saying it should go hold on wait she won't tell you what the correction is immediately but she will tell you that she's wrong.

Then you wait for it. If she doesn't sound right, she's about to correct herself; she's probably got the ingredient, right? So it's a bit more reliable of a system, and I think it works much better in that regard. I think Pay A3 is more interesting in the way that the combat flows, and I think having the objective of cooking the meth is a little bit less waiting around.

It makes the combat more enjoyable because you can focus more on that and not on the cooking, which might sound strange for a cooking method like Heist, but I think hopefully it comes across that I think it's a better move on top of that. When you get the ingredient drop-offs, she still calls in a flare, and B will drop off extra ingredients, but it'll drop off four sets of ingredients as opposed to three in Payday 2.

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The only catch is that you need to have picked up every single ingredient in the map before you can call the flare in Payday 2. You could still have one set of ingredients lying around before the objective would trigger calling in more ingredients. Here, you've got to pick up everything before it will be called in, so if you've got a squad of four people, get them to pick up all the ingredients and run them out as fast as possible, then you can call for the flare a bit quicker, but bear in mind you can only get a maximum of 19.

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Bags in COG off in Payday 3 which codre some of the complaints I've seen I think it's a perfect run it means you get about an hour in the heist and I think that's perfect personally but you'll get seven bags of loot just from picking up ingredients around the map and then three lots of Chopper Callins, with four sets of ingredients so that's the full run if you want to get every single bag secured and I think it really works the new map movement and the verticality of the scaffolding, is really strong and you can now cook them out in three different locations in the top floor the ground floor and also in the basement it's set up in that way so you can cook in any of them I've only had spawn so far on the top floor and the ground floor but I will say my favorite so far has been the top the top floor despite having two ways to access it now like the ground floor.

I think it flows the best. I really, really like the way the cops can come up the stairs or along the scaffolding. But the map has got enough space and movement in it that you can bounce around really easily and do the cooking, and I think it's worked perfectly with the whole map design. It feels like they've taken what made Cookoff so good in Payday 2 and just made it better by adding more things to the extra scaffolding.

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The extra location in the basement for the meth lab the garage that joins it to the outside of the map, really strong stuff I really like it extra things to note for gameplay mechanics the van will still come and go for you to secure meth bags so you have to wait for it but I think it's a little bit faster coming and going now which is good I mean you're not going to be playing forever anyway so you want that quick van callback to secure the loot and I think it does that very well don't let the cops turn the power off because unlike in Payday 2 turning the power off doesn't just kill the lights, it also stops you from cooking, if the power is turned off you've got to get it back on because the cooking will pause until you do so the idea with the meth cooking is that once you put all three ingredients in the meth will pop up in front of you as a pile of white, meth.

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If you leave it for a little bit, you'll hear a little crackling and noise, and it'll go blue. That's when you lose it for the maximum value I don't actually know what color goes if you leave it too long because I didn't want to ruin any of my take I'm going to guess it go black but the idea is there's a brief window where it's going to be blue if you bag it then you get increased, value there's enough chance to grab it if you hear it and you're near enough to it so don't worry too much about rushing, you should be able to manage it fine I've been tased in the middle of it being blue and still been able to bag it but I will say that when the white meth is just chilling there I had the power go off at one point and I thought I better stay near it in case it goes blue while I'm doing the power, it won't it will not go Blue till you turn the power back on so you're good to go and do it so make sure the power is always on at all times.

It's very important to note that, and the only thing to mention is that when you're looking for ingredients around the map, they can be outside the house. I had a can of hydrogen chloride outside the main stairs entrance to the house, so just look, there's extra spawns basically now for where things can appear, but all in all.

red archer

I really, really like [__] off. I think this was a flawless execution. I literally have zero complaints about this Heist I really do. I think it's absolutely flawlessly done, and I honestly, in a lot of ways, just wish this had been in the game at launch. A lot of my vibe on this update, and I'll talk about it more in a little bit, is that the stuff in this update has made Payday 3 much more enjoyable, and I just wish it had been there from the start.

I think if you'd left payday 3 a few more months to cook and had some of this stuff in, you would have had a much stronger launch in my personal opinion, but regard. L, as I always say, better late than never, those are the two heists of the most important thing. Let's talk now about everything else in the update and the first off-first-person animations.

New animations

New animations

You would be amazed at how much better it makes the game look. I mean, you've no doubt seen some of the gameplay already for the heists, but just being able to see your character make an effort to actually pick up bags, or to pick up ingredients, or to scan key cards to press buttons, it looked cool in execution in the dev update, but actually playing it through and seeing your character do these things, they're not flawless.

I mean, sometimes animations will play like if you're opening an event from the side, you'll be kind of unscrewing thin air, which, you know, is what it is. I'm not expecting Flawless Perfection here; the point is that doing the animations makes you feel so much more immersed in the game, and I'm not trying to overstate it, and for some dramatic effect.

red archer live

I genuinely do think so. When the game first came out. I had a few very small criticisms, and one of them was that actually bagging loot felt very underwhelming because it was one of the only things that hadn't changed in Payday 2. You know, in Crime Boss, they even mentioned this in the dev streams.

Update 2 is out NOW for Payday 3, and it's made the game fun to play again.
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