Payday 3 Update 2 Makes The Game Good Again

You pick up bits of loot and fill a bag. You don't need it to be the same for Payday 3. Just literally looking at the loot, opening a bag, and basically swallowing the loot into the bag is more than enough for me, and I'm glad that is there now. That is very, very important, and very well executed.

Transporter skill line

Transporter skill line

I haven't played with the full skill line, and there is a reason for this: in the Early Access build, you don't get to keep your progress; you are basically starting from scratch, so I had to try and level up and unlock the skills. I didn't get it the whole way. As I mentioned earlier, there was a new do-to episode this weekend, and if you don't know, I've got a doctor who podcasts.

My co-host lives in Australia and came over to the UK. We spent the whole weekend together doing content for that. I think you can understand why that was why that had to take place. So while I've played a good bit of this update. I didn't play enough to get the full skill tree unlocked, but I will say I did not like the sound of the first skill where picking up bags and then dropping them would give you and remove rush.


But it works much better in execution. This skill line is going to change the game for loud gameplay. In my opinion, I know I heard people argue that it was either going to be pointless or that it's going to be a new meta. I think we're definitely looking at a new meta with Transporter. I am very intrigued to see this in the live game.

Very soon, I'll start making my builds. I could start doing it a bit early, but I want to wait for a lot of skill points. But I've got some intriguing builds I'm going to start cooking up, and having transport involved will make it very interesting. I think the skill tree is well worth investing your time in.

New mask & weapon preset

New mask & weapon preset

Make sure you're researching it and getting all the skills unlocked, and remember, in case you've forgotten since launch, you need to have the first skill equipped once you've unlocked it to start earning progress towards the rest of the skills, so as soon as you've researched the first skill in Transporter, equip the basic, and keep playing until you've unlocked the rest of the skills, and then you can fill around with your builds after that beyond that there's a couple of other things to talk about for one thing there is the new mask which is the underwraps mask you can see on screen looks fine I like it and I like that the bandages flap around in the breeze That's The Power of One real engine baby but also the compact 7 lyen preset weapon I used that a little bit both of these are quite affordable which I really appreciated, again being on a new build of the game but I really like the lyan weapon variant it's just another one of these presets that give you a predetermined, set of stats of the gun that you can use before you've actually unlocked the weapon.

Provided you haven't already unlocked it, which I feel like a lot of people will have done by this point, but the look of it's really cool bit of a werewolf design feels like maybe something they were trying to put out for Halloween and maybe came out a bit too late amongst, you know all the other problems going on, but whatever it's still a cool design, and I do greatly appreciate it, but finally, the last big thing is the progression and challenges over that I want to give my actual thoughts on now that I've played the game and what they've done is they've given you infinite points now for completing.

Progression changes

Heists for securing all bags and completing in stealth: there're three different things that will give you points. I was seeing all these challenges get completed. And really in comparison between, getting say 100 infin points for completing a challenge and getting 10 infy points for completing certain heists, cuz it varies based on the heist and the length of it will give you more or less infiny points I think it's probably worked out on averages, they say they were monitoring how long people take to complete heists my best guess is they're giving infin points based on the average time to complete a heist just my own opinion I'm not sure they've officially confirmed that so don't quote me on it but I do think that maybe they could do with tweaking the stats and increasing them I think that having these infam Point rewards for completing Heist is good but I think my only issue is it still slightly leans too much into the you need to play these haste 500 times kind of vibe, so I think that just tweaking them a little bit would be good but.

I will say I think the execution of it overall is good. Is very strong getting different infy points as I've said for different Heist length is very good so it's not a flat rate but also getting INF points for collecting all the bags is very good the only Improvement I'd add there okay one more critique I would say is to split things up so for example if you get 20 infin points for securing all bags in for example cook off why don't you get 10 for securing half of them do you see what I mean I think there's a little bit too much of a defined split between, just completing the heist and getting all the bags and it's not really indicative right now as to what you actually get securing some and not all of the bags I think there needs to be a bit more of an encouragement there to finish whenever you want, and get maybe half the rewards.

Because right now it's either you do it all or you do the minimum overall, like I said, the base of it I really like, and on top of that, the stealth completion infin Point bonus I think is also good. I've argued this before, but often stealth can take longer than loud because you're trying to stay under the radar, you're slower, you're more tactical, and you're careful around your enemies, whereas low you just go in guns blazing and get the job done, so the fact that you get more INF points for doing it in stealth, try to basically balance for the longer amount of time it'll take in stealth, which I really appreciate, and I think that's worked overall by My Little Couple of critiques very well.

I think just giving you a little bit more flexibility on bag loot and maybe upping the infinite point rewards a little bit would make that system work.

Update 2 is out NOW for Payday 3, and it's made the game fun to play again.
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