Payday 3 Update 2 Makes The Game Good Again

Recommended challenges

Recommended challenges

Perfect finally last thing to mention is recommended challenges not much to say here cuz the challenge system itself hasn't had much love in terms of sorting and filtering yet that will come down the line no doubt but on the main menu now you will get given three recommended challenges based on things you've done recently, but you'll also get them to pop up in particular Heist so when you wants the heist selection screen and pick a heist it'll give you three recommended challenges for that Heist so it's just something for you to bear in mind if you go I want to play Golden shark, what's the next challenge I could do you'll see complete it in stealth on very hard one more time and go okay let's do that and it will give you a bit more agency in your completion of actual challenges it's something to make it a bit better and I think it really works well in that execution.

I just want to see more things added beyond that in the actual challenges of system sorting and filtering.

Overall thoughts

The m-point high SP completion recommended challenges. I wish these things had been in the game at launch. GMT, that's UK time for my payday 3 update 2 stream with Lock himself.

Update 2 is out NOW for Payday 3, and it's made the game fun to play again.
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