Payday 3: Update 2 Patch Notes - Is Progression Fixed

On the Main and Preh Haste menus, the game will now also recommend challenges to complete on an upcoming heist to better convey what you can do to earn some more experience. In my opinion, this is too little, too late for the system, although fear not, as progress is getting a much more detailed overhaul.

I'll touch on that in a second. Finally, we're getting a mute Heist brief over option, so no more back in the saddles or needing to earn some money. After all that, though probably the most impactful additions in the entire update are actually changes to the launch progression system, we all know that pure challenge leveling has its faults and was never really given a chance to succeed due to how shortly it was implemented.


But rejoice, as it seems we'll be getting a fairly substantial new method of leveling up infamy points. Payday 3's account experience currency will now be rewarded in three new ways: first, for completing a heist successfully; second, for completing said heist without breaking stealth; and third, for doing so after stealing all loot.

Assumedly, the amount you'll learn will also The scale based on the difficulty you played on this caters to most players, and assuming it's well balanced, it is excellent and more comprehensive than expected. Improvements in progress: Personally. I would have preferred a scaling system for XP per bag as opposed to this binary did or did not secure all bags approach, especially bearing in mind some heists like under the surface and neon cradle require stealth for some items of loot, but even so, this is going to shake up the leveling process tremendously and properly reward players no matter how they want to play the game to go alongside this outside of the base games.

payday 2

150 infy levels at launch star Brees is already adding an endgame leveling system known as Renown. Now, for every 2, 000 infiny points you earn at the max level, you will gain one renown with a maximum of 1,188. Renown levels come with the patch, and one random cosmetic item from the current Renown pool is also given to you as an incentive to rise through these ranks.

While it'll impact less than 1% of the community when the update goes live, this is still a solid move by the designers. Future proofing progression now that it looks like leveling won't be so tedious and more Haster might be looking to hit the max rank. That's it for these patch note highlights.


Obviously the four release patch notes will give us more details but these are reported ly not coming out until the update actually goes live so this is the best we have to M over for now as for that release date the guys have doubled down on their by the end of November statement which quite nicely lines up with a potential certification, timeline if we assume it was sent out to Microsoft and Sony around when the dev update went live meaning I'd put my money on sometime mid next week, from my perspective this update is indicative of payday 3 taking massive steps in the right direction and I'm hoping we'll open the floodgates for future content once the all important second patch is out in the wild I think the combination of new content, improvements to current systems, and sweeping Q editions makes for a perfectly balanced patch.

I just wish we didn't need these massive changes to go alongside the exciting new content, but that is the hand we've been dealt by what does seem to have been a rush timeline. So I'm here to make the most of it and cover the contents of the update once it finally goes live, regardless.

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