Payday 3: Update 3 Is Daylight Robbery


Directly from the sin's main frame, this is really satisfying and draws on some of Payday 3's best stealth mechanics. The interesting traversal and multi-option stealth design are top-tier in this instance. Although with the new pricing model that's about a dollar a minute, overall I think this Heist really does add something worthwhile to the game it has greater depth than most of payday 3's launch Heist and I find that all the experimental mechanics really do land especially in stealth, as for loud the environments and inist storytelling is excellent the map is really well built for Combat 2 it just seems to struggle slightly in terms of pacing at the beginning and end of The Heist which keeps it from being the instant cloud classic it so nearly is it sort of goes without saying at this point gustavo's music is incredible what I think he does better than nearly anyone who's worked on the payday franchise previously, is theme the song to the gameplay and setting and this upbeat techno track suits syntax error perfectly.


So that's the host what about these brand new weapons well unfortunately once again on the build I was playing I was a few skills short of a competent setup to make these guns work at their absolute best but even without gris or Edge I can already tell that all three are viable and do a good job of expanding their respective weapon category options, the FSA 12 gauge is a street sweeper of a semi-auto shotgun that is a blast to play with I couldn't seem to get a One-Shot kill with it but again that might be possible with skills, but regardless its ability to constantly two short at close to even medium range is pretty damn good you can absolutely tear through rooms with this thing but my initial impressions are that it won't be the world beater something like the ismer once was in Payday 2 the war 45 is the new SMG added in this update which alls to act as a nice bridge between the SMG and assault rifle class, from the one or two heists I've used it on I think this is where the meta value might lie within this weapon DLC.

payday 2

This thing handles incredibly well, which, paired with its great damage, means it's immensely deadly in almost all ranges. I know SMGs aren't the most popular class at the moment especially with the old ziv Commando dragging the rest down but I think most rifle lovers are going to get a huge kick out of this one it feels great to fire is Comfortably the most lethal weapon in the category, although it trades off a fair chunk of its SMG fire rate I've just found that to make it even easy to control and land consistent head shot with if you like ammo efficient powerful fully auto weapons in your heisting game I'm guessing the war will be for you but again a quick disclaimer I will be doing more testing around builds and break points in the near future, finally from the three new weapons we have the fik 22 T Marksman rifle.

As you might pick up from the name, it's a bit of a BB gun dropping a lot of upfront stopping power that you'd expect from the weapon class in favor of some excellent handling stats giving you a more consistent single shot AR if you prefer to spam down range a bit more. Personally i actually enjoyed using this thing and found it quite satisfying to quick-fire into large groups of swats without feeling guilty for my lack of trigger discipline and missed headshot multipliers.


As I might with the SA, unfortunately, this thing actually deals less damage than the VF 7s, meaning even with Edge, it's unlikely to ever hit that one-shot kill threshold that makes these higher-damage weapons so strong. Being stuck as a two-shot headshot weapon will probably hold this gun back on most tier lists, as I think I'd rather just use the AK if I know I'm looking for more consistently spamable damage and I'm losing my ability to one-shot kill.

I'm not writing this thing's viability off just yet, but one-shot kill thresholds are important in Payday 3, so missing that while still being a single short weapon does give the FI K22 quite a mountain to climb. This might be a gun that needs to be built around to get the most out of it. Of course, I'll be reviewing these weapons in greater detail once we know more about what they can do with further testing.


Regardless of their stats, what I do want to point out is the extra love that has gone into crafting their animations. They all have these fancy new unique inspect animations, which caught me completely off guard and I think the team has gotten the extra mile with reloads too just look at the attention to detail in how the war makes use of an actual mag to pull back the rail realism be damned I find this kind of cool alongside the three new weapons the weapon pack comes with a new USB charm called The Whistleblower, and a blue screen of death sticker both of which feel like higher quality Cosmetics than what we have in the base game speaking of Cosmetics the syntax era tailor pack is the final paid element of this update and includes four Mass four outfits and four pairs of gloves these were all automatically added to my inventory without needing to purchase them for in-game currency, the mass include the animated Overlord and Commander 53.

Both of which are just a higher level of quality than anything else we have access to in the game at the moment, as well as the Sinister beta test and all already iconic Point Dexter. These are all incredible, but as with the other preset masks, I was disappointed to see that they couldn't be customized at all.

I get why so much work has gone into their base appearance, but I think the loss of customization is symptomatic of Payday 3's more general issues, unfortunately. The outfits I'm not sold on across the board the more General civilian looks of disgruntled worker and urban Runner don't do a whole lot for me but Mr it is amusing enough and the digital Ops outfit is bar on the best in the entire game so if you don't mind sifting through the rest of the tailor pack there is a gem in there somewhere the gloves are also just fine in my opinion I like the lore and World building we can get from their descriptions, but there's nothing here that would move the dial on a purchase from my perspective if I wasn't already sold on the brilliant mass and digital Ops outfit, overall where do I fall in this DLC well whilst I wouldn't call this a full review my initial impressions are that the weapon pack is a clear winner The Heist is excellent although I'd recommend you try it out first via a gold or silver edition owning friend before purchase and the tailor pack is only something I'd pick up if I thought I'd get a whole lot of wear out of the mass and digital Ops as they're doing all the heavy lifting here pricewise the syntax error bundle is $17.99.

The H loan is $9.99. The weapon pack is $5.99, and the Taylor pack is $4.99. Man, that's quite expensive; it's fine for most owners of the special editions. But damn, stares priced each heist at $5 on launch. If you want to look at it that way, $10 for just one is a very hard sell. My call at this point would be to stick to the weapons if you're after any semblance of value for money.

Moving on from the paid stuff, let's talk about all the free additions and balance changes in this update. All of these can actually be painted and customized, which is a huge boon and, honestly, DLC quality.

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