Payday 3 Update 4 Isn't Good Enough

I'm sorry that doesn't make for a very good report of the news here, but I'm just going to put it on the screen so you can read it through. So there's the first half; there's a bit more for you to pause and read through, and a little bit more there, and the passion will be in the description. I'm not going to read through those; sorry if that seems a bit inky, but I don't.


I'm not going to be able to report on them without remembering what they all are. Hopefully, when the next update comes out. I start playing the game again and I'll get back in the zone of things, but for right now, all I'm doing is talking about what's new for the game; I'm not playing it myself, which sucks, and hopefully that will change.

Very soon, very soon, enemies, things have changed. There aren't a lot of changes here that are worthwhile.

Heist changes

Heist changes

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Blim me nearly three months but it's been that long there's not been fixes addressed so some of the things with techy and the drones have also been addressed, so there you go there are also some fix with regards to you I audio and visuals, and I'm not really going to look at too much other than voice lines being able to play during assault waves now very big thing and I'm glad they've added that in because the heisers don't talk enough and that is a good way to fix it, visual F fixes there's not much to look at there that I don't think is necessary there are also changes for every single heist in the game syntax ER has got a whole heap of fixes and I'm not going to go through all those but I think it's important to point out just a couple of the key things for any heist where it's relevant for one thing they've added more hiding spots for the techie, which is good because she was incredibly predictable in some of the spots she would appear in syntax era also tweak some spawn zones towards the end of The Heist hopefully that will make it a bit easier I do think it's a bit too intense for firefight.

In that closing section of the syntax era and beyond that whole load of fixes and updates for visual issues and sound issues, for Touch the Sky, it looks like it's an entire range of fixes. Yeah, also tweet vents in touch with the sky to not teleport out players anymore when going loud but instead spawn toxic gas inside of them.

That's a fix they've made. Also, under the surface, you'll see in a minute that it seems like the gas vents that happened in the syntax era are being applied retroactively to previous heists, which is fine. I appreciate that when it gets loud, you can't use events to make sense. They are a very stealth-based thing, so I can understand them wanting to fix issues on a lot of these heists.

payday 2 console

As with all the other ones here, turbid station fixing issues and collisions, there's not much to see. Tweets the red light drones Adit on turbid station to make them more visible though that's good that's an actual fix and no rest for the wicked as I mentioned earlier the notable fix here is tweaking so that the die packs for the money and no rest for the wicked can now be paused using ECM Jammers, so I'm guessing that means they're not active for the duration of the Jammer not really specific enough here to clarify that but as I've said it finally addresses an issue I've had with the game since the beta, since it came out even that when you are looting all the cash bags when you playing solo you couldn't stop some of the die packs from going off I'd heard some people say they could get seven or eight bags diffused, clearly you're just on I don't know 500, 000.

payday console

Milliliters of gamer subs and just having your brain hardwired, faster than a Google AI, because I couldn't Blum and do that six was lucky for me, but the point is now if you're not hardwired into the main frame like 0.2%. Put an ECM jammer down, and you can defuse the die packs much easier. This is very much appreciated.

Beyond that golden shark, as I've said, a lot of fixes are here, in particular the security room door not being locked. That's been addressed; it took about 3 months, but we got there under the surface. As I've said, they've added gas to the vents, which makes some sense. 99 boxes, though there is only one issue that's been fixed where C might get stuck, in other words.

IC's Heist was the best-functioning one before this update.

Concluding thoughts

Concluding thoughts

So it says and they've also done some tutorial Heist fixes but that's it I've been recording for not even 15 minutes and that sums up everything in the update and I'm probably going to trim this down it's going to be a shorter article cuz there's not much to say as I've said, as the start of updates go for operation medic bag and fixing things and making things better this has not achieved a very strong kickoff, player numbers are still drastically low for payday 3 I will be interested to monitor this and see how the player numbers transpire over the next week or so after this updates come out but unfortunately, now moo alir and pretty much everyone at Star breze whenever they've been asked has said it's going to be four to six weeks for the next update which means it's more than likely the next update will drop in April which means this is all we've got for the entirety of March most likely.

payday news

That's rough it's really rough and it's not the strong start the game needed with operation medic bag to get things back if you're going to be delaying content, and you basically trying to dedicate time to fix the game you got to have a bigger start than this unfortunately it wasn't that, but I will say it's not all bad news I've mentioned this before but star Brees Partners have been working with star bre testing earlier game features or things that have not yet released I should say so more Early Access things and trying to offer feedback things like the new armor system overheal which allows you to get extra Health on top of your base amount that will Decay over time some things that will hopefully make the meta of payday 3 much more enjoyable and generally bring a bit more interest back into the game, these things are ETA unnown some of them may be in April some of them may be later but there is good stuff coming in the pipeline I feel it is my duty to make you aware that is going to be happening, but as far as what we got here and now today.

payday trailer

It's not enough, but hopefully the next update will address it. Either way, I will leave this article here. I will not be playing Pay3 on stream tonight. M uk time; that's GMT. By the time this article goes up, it's probably about 3 hours from now, so feel free to check that out on Twitch, TV, and Live.

It's quick, it's quick, it's free, and I will always love you for doing so, but apart from that, I'll wrap it up here. I hope you all enjoy what I'm going to be putting out there and being cryptic, but you'll see.

While it adds some long-requested features, Payday 3's newest update kicks off Operation Medic Bag with a whimper, not a bang. Let's talk about why.
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