Payday 3's 2020 Build Was Leaked

Rather than the individual systems and when they were running through the experience and being a Heiser, and being in that environment fighting back against the police they felt that it was a much smarter idea for armor to be a resourced that would run out and force you to leave moow did say himself he's aware that people did not always like this idea some people like it some people hate it I mean realistically I'm on the side that I just don't like it the more I've played with it the more I absolutely Lo it and it's a shame to hear them double down that especially considering they're going for the overall feel of the game rather than individual, systems in my opinion, that would mean keep things as they are from Payday 2.

Starbreeze's secret motive

Starbreeze's secret motive

That they were playing this build to try and sus out if anything they'd made mistakes with could be amended and added back into pay A3 if that's the case is very commendable. I can appreciate you realizing that some of the mistakes you've made can be corrected and that this leaked build has been a way to acknowledge it, and so it does raise a good point if you see any of the footage that I'm using in this article from their stream where you go and watch their stream and you want to see certain things.

IED do go and tell them. I think it's important to note that the feature-up vote page is finally getting some acknowledgement; over there, they've marked a few things as planned or in development. I'm hoping it means that with more feedback on board, there's more detail, like how they develop No Rest for the Wicked as a stealth-only heist then built into loud, and things like that will be visible in that stream.


Feel free to go watch it; it does provide some fascinating insights into game development that developers have. Al said that wasn't true, and they might have done it at some point down the line, but realistically.

Extra comments

Extra comments

Mio discusses payday 3 being too easy

Is that after the last update, which added the adrenaline overhealing system? Payday 3 has become extraordinarily easy to play. There are other YouTubers that have already done fold-in-depth articles about that specific angle on their own, and Mi was asked about how he feels about the game being too easy, and he said it's fine for now, but we'll fix it down the line with loud modifiers for very hard and Overkill.


I'm just going to say it right now. That's not enough they added 28 skill points they added an adrenaline system which while very fun has made the game diabolically easy to play if you know even slightly what you're doing so adding a couple of loud modifiers in I really don't see how that's going to fix it there needs to be some more in-depth system investigation, here from Star breze, rather than just here's the thing they like let's shove it out and if it makes the game easy screw it they got what they wanted move on let's do another thing really try and think some of these things through a little bit more because it seems like even though you've set up the system in a particular way you've done some changes that just are a bit baffling and have made things too easy and either you need to address them and undo a couple of them or just make things a bit more balanced CU right now, they just aren't a couple of loud modifiers is not going to change that people will work around modifiers. You need to make the actual game play from minute to minute more unique and challenging than it is currently with the systems that we have either way.



That's about everything to talk about in this article. It was an interesting stream to watch, and as I said, I really enjoy getting an insight into the game's development.

It's just some things. Assuming the next development blog has anything noteworthy to share, who knows? At this point, we will see. I guess we also have a potential development update coming at some point down the line, so whenever that happens as well, I will report that. Look after yourselves and stay safe.

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