Payday 3's Armored Identity Crisis

This was largely to offset the fact that so many skills in the tank tree were mandatory investments due to the armor system. However, many people are still bringing armor skills, thus creating a big power gap where the game is too easy due to people having armor and then also a full build. Alternatively, some people choose to forgo armor skills and instead just create super-strong builds.

These problems were all exposed to us due to adaptive armor. Adaptive armor is a recently added fifth armor type in Payday 3. It is less effective at blocking damage; it takes no trauma damage, so if a plate doesn't break, it will fully regenerate. Well, not exactly the same as Payday 1 or 2's armor system, but it is the closest we have.

By far, it's fun, and because it is fun, it has become my preferred way to play. Unfortunately, it's just completely broken while making the game more in line with what the community is used to and wants. The rest of the game systems were not equipped to deal with adaptive armor. Very hard, and Overkill has become something of a breeze due to the cops not gaining much to compensate around the allowed fund meter becoming functionally infinite.

I think that's the most disappointing part of the whole thing: the first time payday through truly begins to shift and line up with the legacy of the series and embrace its history. The foundation of the game buckles as if letting it be anything like payday 1 or especially payday 2 was never even considered.

Let's look at overheal, for example, the system where you could pick up extra medkits and consume them to gain additional health. This was added with the intent of creating an alternative play style to armor, partially due to the backlash of the restrictive nature of the system. The problem is a play style all about gathering resources that forces micromanaging in real time, which is less fun.

But to compensate for that, skills were added to get more resources to make the place more viable. That resulted in this clip, which my fellow celebrity partner Mario and a top hat were kind enough to let me use in this article. On paid day three, it's all about managing resources and making sure that you have the right amount of items to focus on.

You focus on what you need at the moment. You make sure to not want to you don't want to deploy anything if you don't need it in the moment. You might run out, you might after micromanager resources you might run out look at that dlss BL. So, you know, I do not know why this was allowed to happen.

I don't even know all this happened because we changed the armor system. Yep, that is correct. Without that is correct; without that, this would have never needed to have ended up being an issue because you never have overheaval because you wouldn't have demand for it. You might still have overheal, don't be wrong, but there wouldn't be much of a demand for an alternative play style to armor because the armor system would have been the same as paying 2 more or less; it wouldn't have been an issue for a lot of players.

We wouldn't have ended up in this situation. Again, just an obscene amount of resources on the map to try to get to a healthy alternative to armor, thus making it unhealthy with overindulgence. Like Maria said, we could have avoided this if we hadn't changed the armor system. So to bring everything around and wrap it all up in adaptive armor and overheal.

I have proven how narrow-minded the development process for the original armor was; there was no room built into pivot based on feedback, and as a result, the entirety of Payday 3 has been bogged down by designs forced to circulate around the unpopular system. I made this article as an appeal. In the past, I've complained about Starbury saying something in a stream blog or tweet and then having to go back on it soon after.

This time, I'm here actually begging them to do it; they've said they have no intentions of changing the original four armors in Payday 3 and going back to the Payday 2 system. That's due to the work that it would require for them to rebalance everything. Unfortunately, the alternative has already destroyed the balance.

The game became too easy overnight; the gameplay systems, as well as the themes and logic of the series, have already been completely shattered under this Band-Aid fix to the armor system. It's time for a serious change. Don't forget to spread that happiness and stay rusty.

There is lots to be said about Payday 3's armor system. Here's John's latest take on it.
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