Payday 3's First Dlc Is Coming Sooner Than We Imagined

This one is completely unique, known as the Techie. Information about these guys was actually found deep down in the game files back during initial test betas, so we assume they'd just been cut never to see the light of day again, but in a hugely positive turn of events, they're coming to the game before the year is through.


I believe they're the first female special enemy type in the game. Essentially, these guys are high-tech drone flyers who will position themselves out of harm's way, hiding behind these awesome-looking camouflage panels. Much like the FBI van, it'll be our task to hunt her down to stem the flow of airborne armed drones emerging from that backpack.

The techi is an impressively unique enemy type, and I'm very excited to see how she shakes up the meta and makes the game more challenging. It is worth mentioning, though, that as of update 3, they'll only appear in the syntax era. Heist apparently due to how complicated it is to make the drone's pathing and targeting functional around all the other heist in environments; at least we know they will be coming to all other Heights at a later point, and I'm glad these technical difficulties haven't limited their innovation with her as she really stands out from the crowd mechanically.

The game isn't just getting harder, though Star Brees has given us the courtesy of dropping yet another new skill line to help fight back, centered around drones and hacking, known as Scrambler. This one feels like a bit of an omage to the old hacker perk deck by buffing tools in the ECM Jammer in particular.

payday 2

The core skill essentially allows you to now perform hacks on stealthy and loud drones, enabling you to shut them down briefly to sneak past or turn them to your side to fight for you. Initially, I thought these might be making inroads into replacing Jokers, but no, they'll only fight for you for a few seconds before self-destructing.

Sadly Honestly, its skills like signal scanning have me really excited, giving ECM some genuine application and probably making it the best stealth focus tool in the game at this point. It's also nice to see tools in general get buffs, allowing you to carry more or pick them back up after placement, and with the ECM getting its stun effect back and loud, they now will serve at least some theoretical purpose no matter how you like to play the game.


It's worth noting that skills in this tree will also make use of run times, a resource that was previously limited to camera hacking, so it'll be interesting to see how these two play styles will interact with that in mind, regardless. Scrambler is a hybrid stealth and Loud Focus utility tree that could be quite splashable on most builds and will absolutely add some new and interesting options for us to try out.

Finally, I want to also mention the many cosmetics that will be coming to the game for purchase with in-game currency. At launch, this was all rather barebones, so it's nice to see these much-needed additions coming through at a glance. This almost success-inspired mask looks incredible, so maybe Mask of the Day does have legs after all.

The update should also flesh out the Renown system slightly further, with additional rewards being added down the line to augment these few that I wasn't able to showcase fully in the last update article. Overall, this is uncharted territory for Payday 3. I think it's the first time I've been surprised by news for the game instead of being relieved.


This content turnaround is much faster than what we've seen for the first two updates. Despite being just as packed with new and interesting features, it appears as if live service is finally underway, and I'm just hoping those teething pains from launch are a thing of the past. I'd expect this update to launch at some point within the next week, bearing in mind how the timeline of update announcements has usually played out.

I think whether you own the gold or silver edition and are getting all this stuff for free or if you just own the base game, there should be enough for everyone to SN their teeth into here, especially now that my fears have been quashed upon learning that DLC Heist will remain playable even if you don't explicitly own them.

I remain cautiously hopeful after the last update that we've turned a corner, so let's hope that faith is rewarded later this month. Take care crazy news earlier. By the way, it turns out Starb is working on a co-op D and D game, which was their old Coden name before the project I mentioned earlier in the year.

This could be huge for their continued resurgence, so I'll certainly be keeping an eye on things for its slated 2026.

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