Payday 3's Next Update Is Going To Be Big

health boost for AI crew, and you can finally now mute high-profile contacts, so that's all the confirmed changes coming in Pay 3's next update.

Payday 3 future things

They also mentioned things that are going to be coming in the future, some things that are on the table, and things that aren't really confirmed at the moment.

They said the allow stealth filter is being worked on the controller, problems are still being worked on, naming loadouts are still being worked on in offline mode, and it's still on the table; they're still talking about it. Quick play is also on the table; they say they ran into some problems with it and didn't need to work on it.


Weapon stats are still on the table. A new Heiser has been decided, but they're not singing us two, so we're going to have to wait for that. Unreal Engine 5 is still part of the year-one plan. If they do collapse, it needs to fit the tone of the game. Multi-day heists are not on the table yet, so they don't know if they'll ever add multi-day heists, and they said maybe female police will be added in the future.

They also mentioned that Legacy Heist will not be part of PID DLC and that PID DLC Heist will be New Heist, and something I found interesting was that they mentioned that there's no expiration date on the first pay3 DLC.



I can't wait to try out the Legacy Heist and the new Transporter skill line.

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