Payday 3's Rewards Are Up But Are Broken


Here we are again for another payday article. This time we're talking about some. I think. Kinks that need to be worked out with Starbury's nebulous site, and basically let me get right into it with you guys back in the early days, like not too long ago. I think a couple months or two ago, Star Breeze announced that there's going to be some rewards you can unlock by completing certain milestones in Payday 2.

These include some pretty cool rewards. First off payday veteran you get the if you own Payday 2 on Steam or Epic, you get the OG American Dream mask, which is basically the mask that Dallas wore and paid for at a heist, but it's got like a huge crack in it. If you reach the first rank of infinity, you get the Old Faithful weapon preset, which looks like the car four from Payday 2.

If you reach the 25th rank of infamy, you get the echelon suit; completing the difficulty skulls from very hard all the way to one down death sentence gets you different charms based on weapon charms based on those different difficulty skulls; and completing the secret in Payday 2. netsu the Florida Lee gloves according to Star Breeze with Nebula You can sync your progress with Payday 2, and once Payday 3 launches, your account will be granted the awards you earn.

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But the reward thing is up on the site right now, on Starbury's nebulous side. I should say I'm sorry, but for some reason I could only claim the infamy ones: the Old Faithful and the Echelon suit, the secret, and the secret gloves for completing the secret. For whatever reason, I am unable to claim my infamy goals in the OG American Dream.

The details for it say I launched the payday gang game. How else would I have completed my infamy levels if I hadn't launched the game? It doesn't make any sense. Also, there's the skull. If you go to my Steam profile, you've made a lot of progress on stuff. Yep, Overkill salutes you. A heister of legend, which is the death sentence one down one more down no more to go complete all defense difficulty then you got the all the other ones the hard very hard Overkill Mayhem normal skull, so by that I should have already had a, had my These things are unlocked, and I think maybe I'm guessing Star Breeze is still working out the bugs a little bit with the nebula.


I don't think they've really done this cross-progression before. I think they had little problems with the Twitch rewards sometimes, but they seem to work out the bugs with that one. I'm hoping that's what happens. That's all I wanted to say, guys. I just wanted to throw up a quick article talking about how there seems to be a problem with this stuff, so thanks for taking a look at this article.

Have a good one. Stay heist in

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