Payday Routines: Do These 3 Things When You Get Paid Salary

I know some will be saying that Shak all this sounds good and all of that, but I'm just not earning enough money, you know, even to cover my essential bills, so what do I do? I'm going to be brutally honest with you. For some of you, you simply need to find extra side hustles in order to ensure that you're making enough money because you are not earning enough to even cover your essential bills.

If that is your situation, then you need to find your extra hustle or consider changing jobs to earn more to cover your essential expenses and be able to save at the end of the month. There are also those who say that my money is good; you know my salary is decent enough, but I just don't know that once I get my salary, something simply comes up and I'm unable to save.

I'm going to share with you some tricks that I use. I used to find myself in such a situation whereby, as you know, once money comes to my account, people make demands and I simply cannot say no to them, and so, you know. I end up spending more on people than even myself. To be honest, I can't remember even the last time I bought a new shoe or a new cloth for myself, and yet I end up spending more on other people than myself.

So what I did was take out a credit card. You know, you know how much I love my credit cards. And so I could afford to take the money out and put it in a savings account that is paying, say, 5% interest, so already I'm making some interest there, and now I spend the rest of the year paying for that credit card.

So i am a bit motivated by debt, as you know. I don't like to owe, so when I do. I'm motivated to clear it out, but because I'm taking this money out at 0%. And then he's overpaying his mortgage, so at the end of each month, he pays about $200 to $300 more on his mortgage. Of course, he's not going to take out money from his mortgage for anyone.

But that means that at the end of the month or at the end of the year, he's got about 2, 4, or 36 overpaid on his mortgage, and that is also savings for him. There are other friends I know who do the suu, or you know AEL, you know whatever you want to call in, whereby a group of friends come together.

I'll be very grateful. And God bless you. You,

Managing your or effectively will help you grow your money and build . In this video, I share my 3 that help me grow my money.
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