Perplexing Pixels: Payday 3. Xbox Series X (review/commentary) Ep547

There you go. That hurt really bad. Yes, right, there I'm down. I'm down i'm down, guys. Help me to be revived. Now you do this, and you put it in. On on, fire, now burning to the floor; this takes forever, and as the Keep On Coming trade hostages for resources, police are regrouping. Yes, there we go, all right, so the problem with bots is that they won't do the, you know, thermite works.

Yes, they were where I didn't see the guy; where did he shoot me from? He was on the ground. Thermite, 30 seconds Yeah, thanks. Going as fast as I can here, lady, way over there, I got to walk. We know this is hard. Yeah, this is a really hard bank robbery, and this is the first St. Jeez it gets harder than this, so yes, and if the cops pull the fire alarm, that's where we go.

xbox series x review

Now, how once we do what once we explode it, then you burn through the floor, mhm, and then you go into the vault, and then you can, you know, you have to escape without. Yes, and you wait for the get-away van, you know, so what can we do here because we're on, you know, just not actually on the internet right now?

Like I said, you know what peace out we're good at, so we have here in terms of missions. We're stealing an armored car, okay? We're stealing some jewelry from a building. We have whatever this one is here in the VIP. You're stealing crypto currency. Cool, we've got one where you steal paintings.

Let's try the crypto one. I haven't been in this one yet, so we'll see if it's actually all right. So public normal matchmaking, fingers crossed, is going to work because I've had matchmaking in the first mission and the last one in the middle. Hit or miss, 04, that's good. Yeah, so yeah, as we film this, it's kind of still a little bit broken, but again, they're supposed to fix it today; it's just not fixed yet, so this is a new game.

Then, yeah, it came out. It's been out for two weeks. Enter the cage. The right priority is the crypto wall. Get you some. Dogecoin, get you some slurp juice. Welcome to the neonatal Yeah, just walking in; it's fine, all right. Get in the VIP area or go dancing either way. Way one of the most fantastic uses of VR if you play Hitman 3 and you play the mission in the club and you're in the VR in the crowd amazing yeah, so good you need an invitation to get through you need an invitation now your invitation could just be you know your gun so that's an option How do I pull out my gun?

You hold L, put the mask on, and then you pull the gun. So left bumper, top one on the left, there's the mask. They're concerned now. Now you can go into the VIP lounge or, you know, just do this murder. Fools, I called the cops on you. How do I take a hostage? You hold X near a guy who's, you know, on the floor and crouching like that, and you hold—yeah, take a human shield there.

Go don't you, man; don't do it, man. I'm freaking out there. There come the cops. Yeah, yes, now once you get out of this door, hold or, I guess, hit. Well, that kind of didn't work. I mean, it didn't help that you said, Here's the hostage who started shooting. You know, you said PR LB, so I said RB, and yes, you were the hostage, but then you started shooting, so you know, do I?

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Don't take too. You don't drive. Ah, I can't. It's not one of those. no, it's not stealing the thing in the game. Do the theft thing, the heist thing. Uhoh, there's somebody. Yeah, that's the Zapper guy with the Taser. All right, what do you even like again? I have not played this, Mission before, so I don't have well, yes, but how do I get in there?

I don't know. That's the thing. You obviously need some kind of tool to get in that thing, so I said my gun would get me in. I thought so too—step only, lock pick. You're bad at this. There you go, not in front of the door. The wall is all right. Can you get in the way? I say we should be in a bind.

Tada, no, where are you? This is not VIP. Yeah, how's that not it? I don't know. There is no sex in the Champagne Room. There Is No Sex in the Champagne. Room, hey VIPs, all right, that's the VIP we don't have. I think we have it; you just didn't know how to do it. Whoops, you know it might take an hour like that other thing?

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Well, yes, I'm hoping not, but we'll see in the meantime. Look at all their little shields, and they don't even hold them up; they just take bullets right to the balls. Yeah, not very bright, too stupid. Is this done? Disassemble Joh, we're in the VIP lounge. Here we go. Finally, follow the arrows you got to go far down in.

Yes, that's what she said. Uh-huh, there's nobody in here. Here we are. Thanks yes, all this money is in here somehow. Open it anyhow. I get the idea here. Yeah, it's a fun game. Yes, you go and do it, and the cops come and you shoot them, and eventually you get through all of it. It has it's obes it's realistic, but not annoyingly realistic.

Yeah, here are two resources: Two asses, yeah, two asses pick up cocaine there we go nice cool, yep. I had the cocaine, okay, doing cracking cocaine this is payday three you gave it two asses, two asses up it's very fun it's cool I like the way he looks; he can jump, but here's the thing: it's way too complex for me.

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Yeah, there's a lot going on, yeah, so again, it's the kind of thing where if you had other players that were actually in the game with you that knew what they were doing, perhaps they could carry to a victory that would be nice, but you know they're going to fix it, so right anyhow, next week should be a racing game, bza.

In this episode Attack Slug attempts to teach Grim how to play Payday 3.
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