Ranking Payday'3s Weapon Preset

Let's just make the attachment much more meaningful. But hey, the overall SP spread is much tighter, so [__] EP, I guess 1 out of 10 is horrid, and why is this a preset weapon? It doesn't even have any difference from the basic weapon. The only difference is that it has three scars. That's it the only thing there is just three scars, and it practically screams, Cut my life into pieces.

This is my last. Suffocation okay, I got a little bit out of topic.

Thunder scythe

Thunder scythe

Next on the line is the thund sight; the sniper rifle itself is very effective. He could just grab an edge and be done with it. The effectiveness is at 8 out of 10; the attachments that it has somewhat make the weapon somewhat weaker, mainly the CQC Barrel; it decreases the ad time sure; and it makes the weapon gun kick much easier to control for some reason, but that doesn't really matter because it's a sniper rifle.

You don't really need all these bonus stats; they just don't really help the weapon. The big issue I have with the weapon's CQ Barrel Detachment is that it's reduced damage in the distance, and this hurts the sniper a little bit. You are not able to one-shot a lot of enemies on the body, and there are certain times where you're not able to kill a shield with a single hit on certain occasions.

So this attachment sort of cucks the weapon over next is the Viewpoint site ignore the stats they're completely useless but the S itself Al offers a pretty good amount of Zoom mainly for focusing on mid-range engagements but it's pretty good nonetheless it's basically a huge dot, the stock itself just practically [__]] the weapon over more specifically the hip fire spread.

You might think, Why would I be hip-firing with a sniper rifle when it's a long-range weapon? There will be certain times when enemies get too close to you and the only option you really have in your arsenal is to hip-fire, so having that hip-fire spread out wide enough completely makes the weapon literally worse.

It the overall raing I would give it a solid 9 out of 10 it practically hurts the weapon even more than it actually helps the design looks incredible I like the blue yellow cartoonish look to it and it has this unique feeling to it almost as if it's like one of those like cheap airsoft guns you buy at some creepy ass stores you find at the back of an alley but regardless I do love it has a really unique aesthetic to it and I give it a solid 9 out of 10.



Next on the list is the MP7 lien. Listen whatever, the MP7 Lien is a really good SMG that offers a pretty good amount of damage, solid recoil control, and a good rate of fire, and the MP7 literally shreds light enemies extremely quickly. The only issue I have is that it somewhat struggles a little bit against shields and heavy units, but under that, if you have a really good trigger finger and can aim really well, it can assist you a lot, so there really isn't much else to say other than that it's a solid N out of 10.

The attachment is probably one of the best that any other any other preset weapons in the game has at the moment well the second best but which I will get into that in a little bit, which actually genuinely helps the weapon a lot more than you think the Slate RDS site is one of the unique sites in the game that actually, changes the radical to a bite mark normally it's a dot but instead it's a bite mark which I do genuinely like and it has a distinct look to it but the side of itself is pretty good offering a faster ads time but slightly reduces the switching speed which isn't really that much big of a deal, the light frame returns once again and I don't really need to say it it's basically from the feather light essentially the angled ghost grip makes the overall spit much more Tighter and the horizontal recoil much more easier control but the cost of the vert vertical recoil being hard under the control, but the SMG itself is pretty easy to control so don't even think about it.

Finally, it has a speed pull mag, which drastically helps the SMG a lot, and I don't really need to say anything about it. Besides, it's a solid 9 out of 10. The only complaint I really have is that the stock sort of cucks the weapon over a little bit, but again, it's pretty good. The official design of the weapon is incredible; the wolf design on the weapon looks extremely nice, and the bite mark that is applied to the stock also adds a bit of personality to it, so it's a pretty good-looking weapon, and the colors that it has on the weapon suit pretty well, so it's a 10 out of 10.

Porch king

Porch king

Next is the American weapon, which is the porch King shotgun. The shotgun is an effective weapon capable of deleting every single enemy to close to mid-range with a single shot, and with the right [__]] skills, you're able to literally send every sort of SWAT officer back to the void. But the shotgun is practically useless on long range, but let's be honest, who really uses shotguns on long range?

It's called Common Sense People, so the effect remains at 9 out of 10. The attachment itself is pretty okay, even though it's not much; it just helps a lot. The Biofit 4 and handle offer much faster cocking speed and a vertical reco to be easier, but at the cost of the ad time being much slower, but who really cares when you can just litely hip-fire everyone like it's [__]] nothing?

Finally, the range barrel allows you to do more damage in the distance, and the overall spirit is much tighter. The overall gun kick is nothing, so forget about it. The range bar allows you to be able to oneshot enemies much more consistently, while hip-firing or while aiming down the sides, so it's a pretty good amount of attachments, even though it's not much.

But like I said, it just sort of depends on if it helps the weapon a lot, so it's say 9 out of 10. Isica, fck yeah, what the [__]] is.



A8, out of 10 next on the list is the car 4 Monument I don't need to say anything about the effectiveness of with the weapon since it's basically the same thing as the Old Faithful but far less accurate so it's a six out of 10 or seven out of 10 the attachments of the weapon sowh makes it slightly less effective than the Old Faithful, the CQC Barrel despite making the gun kick easier to control and the ADI time much more faster the biggest downside is to reduce damage against distant Targets this really hurts the weapon a lot and let's also not mention the fact that the reduced overall recoil makes the weapon go up higher and don't even try to aim down the sides because this things AR in is much more hideous than the Old Faithful, the express muzzle break is sort of a weird choice because it somewhat counters the negative effects of the CQC Barrel.

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