Syntax Error Consistent Solo Guide (overkill) 8 Minute Runs On The New Payday 3 Heist

The correct rooms are always email number two. 3 and five, if you get lost in the emails and you don't know which ones are anymore, just carefully read the emails and look for the ones that talk about military drone parts. Like I said, there's always going to be emails number two, three, and 5. These emails dictate which rooms you're going to have to go to for your servers if you're getting minimum loot, which is why I mentioned earlier that the route changes a lot, so I'm going to show you how to get into each of the five rooms the fastest way that I found. And that puts us down to step five : getting into each of the rooms.

Getting into rooms

Getting into rooms

I'm going to go in order from a to e, and the gist of this step is very simple: each of the server rooms has two servers in it, and you're going to want to grab both of them at the same time using your transporter. Skills, and you're going to take them back to the hub to process them.

You know a server room is done and clear because the floor will turn red in it. When you've got both servers, you should also turn the power off in each room so that you can leave the doors open. As far as I can tell, this is a safe spot, but correct me if I'm wrong. Make sure you're removing a server between trips; otherwise, this will take a lot longer than it needs to.

I'm going to show you a route to each of the rooms from the server Hub area, starting with Room a.


If you manage to get that QR code at the beginning of the run, you can walk down the hallway and just simply QR code into the room; this is the only way in. Besides the next way I'm about to show you, if you don't have the QR code, you need to go further down either of the hallways and go up to the sin control room, and when you get in there, there will be a civilian in there.

If you get caught, you can take him upstairs to this area. You can also grab the cable ladder that's up here, and I'll tell you more about that later, but it's nice to have. Now in the sins office, there are five different control panels you can access. Each one controls the doors for each of the server rooms; a is on the far right and E is on the far left.

However, when you're up here. I only want you to open a door because everywhere else has an easy access point to it, so if a is one of our rooms, we're going to walk in there, interact with a, and then head downstairs to the room, crack open the door, grab the two servers, and take them back to the server hub.

On your way back, proceed to get caught by a guard because you're an idiot, and of course it's the lead guard, so now you have to restart the heist and get back to where you were so that you can do this tutorial anyway. That's done done to get to server room B.



Head back to the first key card spawn in the L2 stairway. There's a vent right here. Watch for a guard in this spot and hop in the vent. Done! You're in B. Turn off the power, grab the two servers, and walk them back to the server hub again. Make sure you're grabbing those bonus servers as they pop out.


Room C is an interesting one if you have both rooms.


A and C in your route definitely head to C first room C is accessed via a vent on the floor in the sins control room so what you should do is head up there open up a just cuz you're in here and then walk through the vent in the floor or in my case lag through the vent in the floor that's it now you're in room C and it's really close to the server Hub grab your two servers and walk over there, room D is probably the easiest one to get into careful not to get caught by the civilian watching the server Hub and step into the vent next to key card spawn 2 this will get you straight into room D the final room is room e this one's also very easy, head down the de tunnel towards the sins control room on your right before the key card scan is a vent hop in that vent and you'll be in room.


Grab those two servers and take them back to the server hub. That's every room with a being the most difficult to get into by far now. This is a little piece of bonus information I mentioned about the cable ladder earlier.

Securing loot

Securing loot

I was too lazy to get any footage but if you walk in through e you can actually connect the ladder to D and walk over that way, and you can do the same for a or b depending on how you enter , all right we're just about home for free you grabbed all the required servers at this point and you've scanned the three most important ones good work your job is basically done now all you have to do is wait for the servers to scan and grab the bonus servers anytime they pop out once you've scann the three correct servers the Drone server will pop out make sure you grab it the route you're going to go back up is through that L2 stairwell, again so you're going to head back to where you scanned in and hacked the computer.

Originally you can't run with the drone server, so make sure you're very careful moving past guards. You can also move additional loot this way, but it's much faster if you use the zipline bag located in the elevator near Hall A, so you've made it up to that computer room in the L2 stairwell. I want you to be very careful.

As soon as you cross this doorway, a guard will step out of that elevator. This is a scripted event; it will happen every time he walks out of the elevator and will turn to look directly at you. Throw a throwing knife down the stairwell, and he'll look over at it while you walk away. Once you're upstairs, hang a left and hop back into the vent you used to get to the keypad door.

Be careful of the camera that can spawn in the lobby and the guard turning around. We're going to head all the way upstairs, so go straight into the vents until you can't anymore, and then jump up to the top floor. Instead of going to the office, this time you're going to hang a left and go to the double doors at the end of the hallway down there.

Be careful because there can be a camera, a guard, and a civilian around here, so look around and try to identify where all of them are. Head through the double doors to the stairwell, and watch for the camera that could be watching the stairwell. You can throw an ECM on it or hack it up to you once you're down the stairs.

Walk out the door to your left to the van, capture the objective, and stand in the escape. You will most likely be caught by civilians when you do this, so if you're moving additional loot, make it quick or be very careful, and that's it. You've made a syntax error in about 8 minutes if you were quick all.

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