The 3 Best Builds To Cure Your Payday (3) Blues

Unfortunately, unlike civilian hostages, your Crow Ai and sentries might accidentally clip body shield SWAT units, adding another potential pitfall to this strategy that breaks through solid, but even so, having constant supply is well worth it if your team starts trading for resources. Also, if you just stand behind your sentries instead of in front of them, they can almost single-handedly carry a heist, holding down entire rooms with relative ease and making the crew AI look like amateurs.

And remember, this stagger resistance isn't limited to regular cop melee; it prevents shields from bashing you, and most importantly, foils doze completely as they'll run into you and your body shield like you're a brick. Wall recoiling backwards and giving you plenty of time to unload a full clip into their face plates, actively trivializing one of the toughest enemy types in the game as they really struggle to flank around you.

Overall, this is the most passive play style I've shown, and you can feasibly go AFK on a staircase if you want. I've also found it to be one of the most engaging games to actually play, with far more micromanagement and tactical gameplay than what Payday 3 generally encourages. Again, a huge change of pace, but actually one of the most compelling and enjoyable builds I've ever played with that might just be making a reappearance.

In my next payday 3 challenge run, that's it for those three unique builds. I mentioned that I lost a very dear Lov one last week, so this has been a bit of a cathartic release to get back to some sense of normality. I know many of you have taken a break from Payday 3 until the update, but this article was scheduled to go up before it all happened, so going back and actually following through with it was as much for me as it was for you.

I appreciate all your kind messages and support, as well as your understanding on this one. YouTube is an escape for many, myself included, so I hate to drag anyone's mood down, but I do want to make it clear that I value each and every one of you watching this article tremendously.

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