The Best Assault Loadout #payday3. Unlimited Ammo

the perks do, now this one when you're hiding in the bathroom is actually super useful, because when you kill someone with an 8 m youyou, it will stagger all enemies that aren't special, so if it's not like the Juggernaut or the Cloaker, it will just make them all kind of fall over, and they'll just stop shooting at you.

They'll fall over and be like, Oh, I'm hurt, and all like that if you kill just one enemy near them. So for close quarters, this one is a very important one. I would say you probably have to run this one if you're going to do this. I would definitely prioritize this over, like the medic tab all right.


So we get down to gunslinger: whenever you switch your weapon, you gain an edge; again, you don't have to put this one on. This is just something that I had to throw on because I didn't have anything else to put on. It just makes you a little bit quicker, gives you an edge, and you deal more damage from this, so I mean, what's not to like about that?

So I have slippery on really don't need this one. I don't know why I put this one on. I could probably change this to something else because we're not really going to be getting cuffed by a guard, so I can throw this one off, and I'm actually going to go up and put on heavy hip fire, so if you're hip firing, your shots will cause a heavy stagger.

Now I already hit fire like almost all the time with the no clip mod that I have on inside the bathroom on touch the sky, so another stagger and a heavy stagger on top of that that's going to make the enemies almost useless. All right, so now we have a tactician, so basically whenever you stun or stagger an enemy, you gain an edge again.


I get Edge, and then if you get Edge, you can stun and stagger an enemy from shooting an enemy and killing them within other enemies. So you know, whenever they do that, that's fine, but this so far has got to be the best load out for just straight up camping in a room and killing enemies. You don't have to run out to get ammo, and like I said, you can either throw in an armor bag or an he or a health bag, and you're basically fine, so go watch the last article on my channel that I uploaded yesterday for the tutorial on how to do this little exploit.

You'll sit in a corner with your AI; they won't move because they can't, and if anyone comes into the room, they'll basically just shoot the AI, who can't shoot you, and you can just kill all the enemies without taking any damage. It has been your pure ghost. Like I said, I'm going to try to get some more modding articles up, but nothing has really come out recently.


Computer, the only thing that you can change locally is like your position, which is the no clip mod, so when people figure out you know how to do that or make a mod menu that somehow alters the server data and then sends it back, then we will get cooler mods like that, but until then. I'm going to try to, you know, make as much cool content like this.

I have a stealth build as well that I might go over if you guys would like to see that, so that might be tomorrow's article, but anyways, guys, like I said, it's been Boy P Ghost. Remember to like the article, subscribe for more payday 3, and I'll catch you guys in the next,

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