The Best Medic Bag Build Payday 3. The Best Build For Overkill Loud


It is not as important as you think it is. This build is dedicated to not having armor, and I think that is an incredibly different play style than a lot of you are ready for. You may not like this build the right way for this exact reason, but hear me out in the tank tree. We can regenerate our armor.

Faster: by specking into it with the single-plate armor, you can regen your armor in about two seconds. People like Noli and other content creators making builds will tell you need to take a plate up in the ammo specialist tree, where, as long as you have great, you instantly regenerate your armor chunk upon picking up ammo.

That's because you're taking the four-plate armor, which takes like 20 seconds to regenerate. With the single-plate armor, you regenerate your armor in about two seconds, and at this point, that makes it okay. Take damage and regen your armor. You don't have to sit in a corner for 20 seconds at a time to regen the four-plate armor; just take the single-plate armor.


That's the main reason we're taking this. So I don't want you to take up armor. You're going to be using a single-plate vest, and you're going to be out of armor a lot of the time. That's, okay, it's. A good thing I don't have armor most of the time on this build, okay? very important skill point here, last man standing. All those ways that we were getting for it, last man standing is going to be the big use for it, so when you would normally take damage that would kill you if you have grit you.

Example clip

Example clip

I have 10 seconds of immunity. Here's the clip that you've been waiting for. I took down a bulldozer during this 10-second immunity, and it couldn't touch me.

In the time I was still immune, I used my medic bag hit to get back Last Man Standing, and then I revived someone for grit. So, you can just loop, getting grit, hitting the medic bag, and having 10 seconds of invulnerability. This is why you're the objective guy; you're forcing objectives. If you have grit, you can force any objective in the game.

Finishing up

10 seconds is not trivial, plus if you're Reviving somebody, you're getting grit, giving them and you five seconds of invulnerability to help take out that bulldozer or so they can escape while you distract the bulldozer. And then on top of that, when you do die, you get 10 more seconds—that's up to 15 seconds of invulnerability.


This in the tank tree I took disengaged just because I hate cloakers and zappers; they seem to catch me out all the time. I think it's a streamer privilege, honestly. Do with that what you will; you don't have to take it, but I like it, so we've gotten out of all the important stuff. The rest is kind of combat-focused, so that's the most important part of the medic back build, but we'll finish up right here.

I took Sharpshooter Ace because I can get Edge On Demand by standing still and aiming for one and a half seconds, and then I can get a headshot to refresh my Edge, so that's very nice. I can take a headshot with the revolver on most cops. I took Escapist because having Rush is very important to this build.


You want to move fast getting to objectives and getting in and out of cover because you only have that one armor plate if you're running just health. You can also get some more edge on demand by sliding. When you have this. I took Swift because it's nice to have that extra 10 of movement speed moving to the objectives, and then here in the enforcer tree, this is just another way to get grit we talked about earlier, where if I kill two enemies in four seconds within five meters, which is great if you have edge with the revolver.

I'll. I have grit, and then I can use that grit to do all kinds of things, such as being vulnerable for 15 seconds, and then combat reload ensures that I keep my Edge and my grit up because I reload my magazine whenever it's getting close to empty but not completely empty, and then the final thing here: I feel like nobody takes this one, but it's actually pretty decent on this build.

Some hostages around the map take the manipulator and tie them up, trade them 50 faster, and then trade them for double first aid kits. You only get six first aid kits in your doctor's bag; there's maybe two to four in the bathrooms around the map. This can get you a lot more, and you can ensure that you have that invulnerability.



Often, this build just kind of works. I know it's hard to just listen to that and be like, Okay, yeah, the medic bag's the worst. Deployable in the game; sure, it works; okay, it does. We ran the entire game twice—that's 16 heists. At times, we had two medic bags, one armor bag, and an ammo bag, and our team did totally fine—better than we've ever done.

Even consider trying this out; I think it's a fantastic build. Two of us have been running it for a while. I know there's one coming in about two days because, like I said, it's October 3rd today. I know there's an update coming in about two days if that changes something with the medic bag. I think I'm going to do another short article about how armor works.

I think there's a lot of confusion. Right now, three armor is probably better than four armor, and in this article, you see that one armor can even be better than three, two, or three armor, so there may be another article.


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