The Disastrous Launch Of Payday 3



Allow me to paint a picture for you. Let's say you've been eagerly awaiting the release of Payday 3. Finally, the release date comes, and you install the game and launch it.

Scuffed is an understatement

You're about to play Payday 3, except you're not a disaster, strikes, and you're not able to play the game at all, not long after the game launches for everyone.

Payday 3 is met with a slew of bad luck. Matchmaking was seemingly broken, and no one was able to play the game. There were a lucky few that were able to match with players on the first heist, but that was far and few between even prior to the full release of it. It seems that the wrong build of the game was submitted to Sony for the PlayStation release, and that took time to fix on its own.

The community manager for payday, also known as collect Billy as payday, Twitter man would make several tweets updating heisters on the state of the fix. It seemed like little progress was being made since each new tweet would amount to we're still working on it even at the time of writing servers, and matchmaking seems to be broken.

It's unfortunate that this is the state of the game that so many heisters, myself included, have been looking forward to. If a word had to be used to describe this launch, it would definitely be scuffed, but even that would be an understatement. This leads us to what a large portion of the community has been hammering home. Twitter man.

Where is the offline mode?

Where is the offline mode?

Where has the offline mode historically been? Payday would allow you to play on your own, should you wish to. If you wanted to try out a new build for your heister, play a new heist without knowing the mechanics, or simply wanted to play casually without the pressure from other players, an offline option was there for you as part of the payday suite of things to do; however, such a mode is currently missing from Payday 3.

Tweet after tweet, quote after quote, the payday community invented their dissatisfaction with the state of payday 3, primarily issuing the disappointment that there isn't an offline mode. I myself wish we had that option so I could at least play the heists and learn them. I originally planned to stream the game on the release date; however, seeing all of these issues with the game unfold in real time.

I decided against it, which is a shame because I really did want to share my experiences with the game.

A lucky few

Soon as it came out, despite all of the issues plaguing payday 3, a lucky few did manage to make it into games. It was a habit to be among that select few, although I was only able to match into the first heist.

This is how I was able to get the footage that you're looking at now. With what I managed to play, the game is feeling pretty solid. I haven't really been able to pull off any stealth heists yet, but from the sessions I managed to get in, the game is just as fun and chaotic as the previous titles, with near-non-stop action once things go loud.

The soundtrack is exactly what you'd want in a payday game, and the gunplay seems to be a bit tighter, which I personally appreciate. Of course, I haven't been able to play enough to reach higher-level heists, or even the second heist, for that matter, so all I've gotten to experience is a snapshot of what is available. I hope the game is in a playable state soon so we can really sink our teeth into what PD3 has to offer.

The grand scheme

The grand scheme

And in the grand scheme of things, I feel like this should have been something that was caught and fixed prior to release, especially during the beta period. On top of that, this game is on Game Pass, so more players should have been expected to get into the game to at least try it now.

I'm concerned that this whole debacle will sour the game for some based on this stuffed launch. With that in mind, please be courteous to the developers and PayDay Twitter man, since I doubt this whole situation is something that they actually wanted to happen. Let's just be patient and wait for the game to get fixed, and then we can rob New York City blind.

before you buy

In Payday 3, of course, well, that's all I had for this one. I'm definitely looking forward to getting some decent game time in with the game as soon as it's fixed, so make sure you're subscribed to me here on YouTube for a more detailed article when I can get around to it. Also, I'll be streaming in on Twitch again once things are stable, so definitely follow me on there as well.

If you're going to stay a while, check out these articles. One is about the TitanFall 2 Revival, and the other is whatever YouTube thinks you'll like. Alright, so I'm out of here for now. Stay hydrated i hope you have a good one, and I'll catch you next time.

At long last, we finally have Payday 3, however, things aren't off to a great start. With server issues preventing the playberbase from matchmaking into games, a large number of the Payday community are left without a means to play the newly released game.
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