The Payday 'killers' Have Arrived

My take is that I see competition in a space as wide open as the Corop FBS heisting genre to be a fairly universally good thing, and Den of Wolves appears to be differentiating to such an extent that it's unlikely that one game experience will replace the other directly. Personally I see payday thriving in an environment with greater bargaining power from the consumer they'll be forced to be more priz competitive with their DLC releases more sensitive to public outcry when it comes to microtransaction practices, and so as the entrenched party in the space I anticipate the adaptations they'll have to make in light of a more competitive market will be positive for us supporters of the game obviously you have to question if that'll be sustainable but much like how the Battle Royale genre grew over the past decade incumbent franchises within a growing sector of the game Community tend to do pretty nicely for themselves as wider interest grows so I welcome as much variety and Innovation as possible within the genre, however it should also be a wake-up call for management at starb, on the horizon there's even more reasons why payday 3 needs to become more accessible sort out its live service troubles and be filled with enough content to feasibly compete.

I still believe Payday 2 remains the gold standard for online heisting games despite the resistance in its play accounts after Payday 3's launch, or evidence of that, until its benchmark can be surpassed, be it by its sequel. Den of Wolves, or even another franchise. Payday ain't being killed off just yet.

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