The Story Of Payday In Under 10 Minutes


But before they could put an end to the dentist's plans, B needed to be recovered from his Kataru captors. The gangs staged a prison break at Hell's Island, freeing Bane, who tore through murky water's highest-ranking Merks, killing their leader Kento at the end of his rampage. During captivity, his body had been pumped full of an experimental serum stolen by the gang from the Mercy Hospital over 7 years ago it was destroying his muscular Inhibitors granting immense inhuman strength but only for a fleeting moment now it was destroying his cells just as violently, with that in mind the crew split up descending on all remaining murky water strongholds and sympathizers at once in the process gaining new allies in San Francisco and Texas whilst the cor for traveled to the coordinates of the Ark, which pointed to none other than the White House in DC.


The Air Force war was reported to be missing; the president was feared dead in the days prior, so the gang was forced to engage with murky water. Vanguard, who'd seized their moment to take over the building, deep within the poock, they discovered the well-hidden entrance to the ark, defended by a final great puzzle and a seemingly endless army of mechanical guardians, but neither could prevent the crew from forcing their way inside the Magnificent Chamber of the Ark.

With Bn's lament at the center of it all, Bwin himself was a relic burned into the ground beside it, a reminder of the danger this device held. It wasn't long before the dentist's voice was heard once again, demanding entrance with lock and bane already his prisoners. However, he's underestimated the crew and their willingness to shoot first in any situation, ending his many millennia-long life with a single bullet.

With that, Bowen's lament could be activated using the very same mind that had started their story seven years prior, which had ultimately been purchased by the dentist. In a flash of blinding light, the lament had chosen its successor. The crew and lock were released from the sanctum unharmed, yet Bane was nowhere to be seen.

payday 2

Weeks later, the president was finally somehow recovered in fine health and deemed fit for duty, although his memories didn't seem to quite align. While Bane's body might have been destroyed, his consciousness now lives on in the mind of the most powerful man in the world. The true power of the lament was to grant new life to the worthy.

The payday gang, as we know them, were free from the shackles of a life of crime and publicly reported dead at the scene of the White House. In truth, they performed the greatest heist of all, earning fortune and living a freedom-free life in peace. forever—not a chance.

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