What Could Have Been. Payday 3 Leaked 2020 Build

Well, that may be true from a programming perspective, but it's clear to me that the maps that we have just been ported from Payday 2 and cleaned up for Payday 3 and are oversized because they didn't do any proper scaling. Cookoff is the most guilty of this. I can let it slide for the first couple, but for any other future Legacy Heists, they need to be properly scaled.


The first world bank and Diamond Heist would just feel uncanny when you're too small in them. The next heist, which is labeled as a stealth prototype, is quite obviously an early version of No Rest for the Wicked; the exterior is virtually identical, except for the lack of textures in the back alley with the Escape van in it.

The inside is where some real changes happen, with the second floor being expanded. The vault being exposed on the first floor and there being a balcony and manager's office with a conference room attached, it being the stealth prototype, you'd be surprised for me to tell you that there's no pagers even getting spotted by guards on this map.

Hell, even gunfire doesn't set the alarm off there. There's a way to play through loud in this heist, but the only way to do that is to let a camera spot you, so if you shoot them all out, no loud, But back to the objectives. It still requires getting to the roof to hack the alarm, but there's a little DNA from Golden Shark in this having to go to another room to continue the hack, but in this key cards are still only one use.


The last objective is just remembering the right code and making off with a minimum of three bags of loot, for a total of eight in the heist. Overall, it's a pretty interesting time capsule on how far this Heist came from its first iteration in 2020. But there's one last heist we still have to talk about.

Also, they play razormind in this heist as the Track. I didn't have a clever way of bringing it up during the heist, but I felt like it should be. Mentioned, Finally, the standout heist from this build is the loud prototype. This heist may be the most straightforward bank robbery we have ever seen in this series, but even though its purpose is to test out loud gameplay on a playable map, this is my favorite heist in Payday 3's top three bare minimum; it's so straightforward to the point and full of personality, thanks to the Handler dialogue, that it puts it so high up in my opinion, which is now a good time to bring up that every heist in this game is narrated by lock and not shade.


In a developer live stream with Alir and Moo, they explained that since they didn't have the character of Shade invented yet or knew who was replacing Lock as the Handler, they just had Ian Russell record placeholder lines for the working build, and to be quite honest, this is my favorite use of Lock as a Handler.

When he first got introduced in Payday 2, Lock as a character was a bit goofy, in my opinion. He was lighthearted and cracked jokes a lot more compared to Bane, and even Bane cracked more jokes in two compared to one, but in this lock, as a character, he's audibly focused on the mission and distant, almost cold to anything else in the mission he's calculating and menacing in one performance.

My favorite line from all of this is just his little lines letting you know an assault is starting. Just get your gloves on before the music kicks in. So cool to hear that the music for this heist doesn't have a definitive name from what I can tell, but this YouTube article just calls it under construction, so that's what I'm going to call it, and it's my favorite track from Payday 3.


It's energetic, it has a great baseline, it's full of techno and guitar without sacrificing one for the other, and it feels like it blends happily with tracks from Payday 2 and Payday the Heist. There's not much else to say, so here's just my favorite part you can listen to:. As for the heist itself, objectively, it starts off with you spawning in an elevator and rewiring the electrical box to open it, where you play out the rest of the heist and Loud only.

There's only like two objectives: drill the safe and get the key card. After that, you just punch in the code and toss it in the bags. Lift the spike strip and leave. The whole layout reminds me of a mini-First World Bank, but that's not a knock against it. That's still my favorite heist from Pay to the Heist next to No Mercy, but I think the main reason I like this heist so much, aside from snipers not being complete AIDS, is how simple and short it is.


It reminds me of harvest and rust on Payday 2, and I think that's something that Payday 3 suffers from right now. a lack of simple, repeatable heists that can canonically happen multiple times to give you an in-law reason that, yeah, this is just here for you to grind on. I would very much like to see this heist come into the game and throw on the extra bells and whistles if you really would need to, but nothing beats a simple run and gun bank heist.

Go in, set up the drill, get the money, and get out.

Final thoughts/outro

Final thoughts/outro

Simple as that, Overall This is a fun look into the past and what the dev team was up to back in 2020 when making this game. That's all I have for you for now. See yyou, guys! That's all I have for now. See yyou, guys!

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