Why Payday 3 Players Avoid This Heist (99 Boxes)

This is not a fun level of difficulty where it takes skill to be able to achieve it. This is just pure luck. Will you get a good spawn for the main containers? Maybe you can get a good run or a shitty one, forcing you to run around blind. Will you get a good spawn point for your coolant, or will you be forced to dodge three cameras and two guards at the same time to get one?


Will you get a good, safe Circle hack point where you can stand without being caught or horrible ones that put you right in the middle of the map, surrounded by walking into SE all around? It's usually louder. This is not fun. This is not how you make a good heist. A good heist should reward skill, not luck, and not just regular luck.

You will need extreme luck in order to pull this one off properly. I am not lying when I tell you this is the second-worst mission I have ever played behind CJ's remote-controlled plane back in San Andreas. It's an abominable heist filled with game-breaking bugs that you cannot control. An extremely unforgiving child faces challenges that are more based on luck and patience than any skill.

If the smallest thing goes wrong, your run is dead, and because there are so many things that can go wrong due to the extreme challenges you are facing, it makes for a horrid experience. I know a lot of people like to use this hack to glitch XP, but honestly, outside of that, I would say this hack is completely worthless.


There's nothing good about it; it's challenging, and then there's just impossibility. It's difficult, requiring hours of non-stop trials just to beat it if you get lucky. I'm sure someone watching this article has probably done it on the first try or hasn't had that much of a hard time, but guess what you need to understand: you've been lucky, man.

Most players won't be. There are so many problems with it right now that I genuinely cannot recommend anyone play this heist right now, especially on Overkill. The money is simply not worth the extreme challenge you'll be facing; it's not a matter of skill, like I said earlier, but of luck. That's all there is to it, even if you beat it once.

It means nothing because you know you can't repeat it for me. This is by far the worst heist in Payday 3 Bar. None; it's the worst possible challenges, all put together in a giant mess. For the time being, I'm going to cover it all day and move on to another heist worth covering. If it gets fixed enough that, in my opinion, it's worth playing, I'll make sure to make an update article, but until then, guys, thank you very much.


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