You Will Never See These Items Again - Payday 3


Payday 3 has been officially released on Early Access for a few days now, and after playing the game live here on YouTube for a few hours every day. I've noticed a lot of changes to the game from its predecessor. Payday 2. Come on, boys. I will suck your toes. What did he say? Some of these changes have been additions, newly added weapons, mechanics, movements, and much more, but other changes have been the absence of certain items or mechanics that, as payday players, we have grown to know over the years.

In this article, we're going to talk about five things that have been removed from Payday 3 that we will most likely never see again. Why is there a banana on the toilet? It would really mean a lot to me, but, without further ado, let's get into this if you're a stealth lover who enjoys the tactical and strategic approach to completing a heist.

One thing you will notice pretty early on in Payday 3 is the removal of body bags. Body bags have been a longtime mechanic of the payday series that served as a means of cleaning up after yourself when things went well when it required you to shoot a [ __ ]. They allowed players to dispose of dead guards or civilians during stealth ice either by placing them out of view or even in dumpsters, but body bags have always had a slight flaw.


If a camera were to see a body bag, a guard, or even a civilian, they would instantly become alarmed and your stealth mission would be blown, and it always left me wondering if a camera sees a body bag and knows it's a dead person, then why the [__] Does it matter if the dead person is in the body bag?

In Payday 3, body bags have been removed entirely, and with the mechanic of being able to carry and move around bodies, I don't really see the need for them to return anytime soon. As for my loud heisters out there, some of you might be saddened and others of you will be relieved to know that after hours of gameplay on different difficulties.

I can safely say that Captain Winters has been removed from the series for those of you unaware that Captain Winters was a mini-any-boss event that would take place on very hard difficulties and higher on payday 2. With the assault wave carrying on endlessly until you've defeated him and his shielded swan, although it would seem that Captain Winters has been removed, they have incorporated a new game mechanic called the final charge.

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An endless wave of police that will not stop until you've either escaped or end up in police custody The final charge The assault phase usually takes place when you've completed the last objective, right before an escape becomes available. Do be careful, as this endless wave can and will eventually run you and your team out of both ammo and meds, so don't get greedy and don't be a [__] tough guy when it's time to dip dip.

God damn it. Another change that I've noticed will affect all players, whether you enjoy playing stealth or loud. Payday has removed the ability to use SMGs and shotguns as secondary weapons. I'll be honest, it was nice to have an automatic secondary weapon for when [__] hit the fan, but it also forces you to play a lot more strategic and tactical, which is kind of what they were going for in this particular title, so I guess goodbye forever to secondary spam weapons moving.

With the new lock-picking mechanic for doors and safety deposit boxes, a lot of players are ecstatic. Included with the previous lock picking system taking so long that on certain heists, players would equip a portable saw in their loadout just to be able to save valuable time on completing a heist will have no fear as it stands.

The portable saw from Payday 2, called the OVE 9000, has been added to the list of things removed from the Payday series, although it was fun to see enemies and bust open ATMs. The portable saw is looking like it may not make its return anytime soon, especially with the new lock picking mechanics being so well received by players over 9000.

Last but not least, what do I mean by days if you're new to the payday series and previous titles? Heists had a number of days; some were simple and completed in one day. While others require two to three days to finish the job, the days were entirely different maps and objectives but were all part of the same heist, for example, day one being a certain map with certain objectives, then making your escape only to take on day two a different map with its own objectives.

In Payday 3. I've completed every heist available on launch and haven't seen any heist that required more than one day to do so. Now, I'm not saying that the option to incorporate that into future content isn't available, but, as it stands right now, every heist is a one-day job. Hopefully, in the future, they'll incorporate something similar, as it definitely added a lot of content to each multi-day heist that was available on Payday 2.

So far, you guys are having fun. Are you guys disliking it? Help support your boy. I'd really appreciate it.

Payday 3 has removed some long time game mechanics and items. In this video we're talking about 5 things that have been removed from the Payday universe in Payday 3.
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